Cake Poll: Let Me Eat Cake!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Do you really love cake?
Do you love cake so much that whenever you're in the same room, you find yourself unable to resist its siren call?
Then certainly Leslie F. Miller's new book, Let Me Eat Cake, is for you. Now, let's get it straight--though the book has a few recipes, that's not what it's about--it's more about the culture of cake, its lure and the lore behind it, baked up full of personal anecdotes and cake stories galore. And--as we were surprised and delighted to discover--there's even a mention of!
And you, dear friend, could be the winner of a signed copy of the book. Oh, you want this!
To put your name in the running, simply answer this question in the comments. You can be as literal or as figurative as you like, just be sure to leave your thoughts on this important subject:
What is the best thing about cake?
The poll will be closed on Monday at 12 p.m. PST, and the winner will be announced shortly thereafter. If you're interested in purchasing the book, click here. Oh, and in case you were interested, the cupcake shown is a Chai Cardamom cupcake from Seattle's Trophy Cupcakes!
tagged cake poll
Reader Comments (224)
My favorite parts are the licks and nibbles you grab from bowls as you're making it and the looks on peoples faces as they eat the finished product :)
Mmmmmm cake (like Homer) what I like about cake is this, the moist warm spongey-ness and frosting, I love frosting. :)
Thanks Cakespy!
the best thing about cake is that it's...cake. does it get any better? not pie...not cookies...CAKE!
Cake, oh glorious cake.
Our entire lives exist of cake:
We start off with "Patty Cake" as a baby. Every year we have our own birthday cake. Cake walk at the carnival. Cakes at showers, Mardi Gras king cake, wedding cake and let's not forget cheesecake. Holidays: Easter - carrot cake and Winter Holiday - fruitcake.
Please let me have my cake and eat it, too!
The best thing about cakes is that you are almost always celebrating something. It could be a birthday, Wedding , Halloween, etc...
It brings people you love together, and what could be better than that. Also a well make cake tastes sooooooooo good.
The best thing about cake is it brings a smile to peoples faces and makes them happy, even if its only for a short time!
i love how cakes can be so pretty that you dont even want to cut into it to eat....but then again i love you cake is perfectly acceptable for breakfast!
cant wait to read this - hopefully i can get my bookclub to read it too!
The best thing about cake?
*The peacefulness it creates within while I am creating it.
*The joy it conveys once completed.
*The love and appreciation it relays once given to a friend or family member.
*The smile it puts on my grandson's face when lit with candles.
Cake is bliss!
I absolutely LOVE cake! It is my all time favorite dessert. I think it's a combination of the actual cake with loads of frosting that makes it so divine. Mmmmmmmm...cake.
The best thing about cake is pulling apart that first bite of cupcake and putting my nose directly on the cake. I love the coldness, the smell and the softness of the cake, and if that sounds weird, than so be it! I'm weird!
I love sinking my teeth through the icing and hitting cake! Glorious cake!
The best thing about cake? Its the most versatile dessert ever! It can be soft and crumbly or dense and moist, full of flavor or light enough to have a crazy icing... Its like the chicken of the dessert world, and who doesn't like chicken? haha.
The best thing about cake? Its the most versatile dessert ever! It can be soft and crumbly or dense and moist, full of flavor or light enough to have a crazy icing... Its like the chicken of the dessert world, and who doesn't like chicken? haha.
The best thing about cakes is that they are made for sharing and their is almost always enough left for your own private indulgence.
The best thing about cake is that it EXISTS, and that it exists in endless possibilities. OMG the possibilities....
The absolute best thing about a specific cake and cake in general, is that everyone has a favorite (or in most cases, multiple favorites), and every time you sink your teeth into a bite of one of those favorites, the tastes transport you through all the memories of past cake-eating good times, that helped create that love for cake.
The best thing about cake is that cake is never bad. It helps celebrate all sorts of joyous occasions and even if the occasion isn't all that joyous, the cake makes it so! Even bad cakes come from good intentions. Cakes just great. :D
The best thing about cake is that it can be shared with friends. Cake makes everyone happy. Of course the frosting is always a good thing too.
The best thing about cake is it can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere and comes in a size, style and flavour to suit anyone. Also it's great with a cup of tea :)
Tea and Cake = Happiness ^___^
The best thing about cake is that, in all its forms, it is simply delicious.
The best thing about cake is the frosting :) i always eat the cake first and then leave the icing for last :)
The best thing about cake is eating it.
The best thing about cake, if you ask me, is that it can be absolutely anything you want. Any flavors, textures, number of layers, decorations, or shapes you can dream of. Cake is wonderful because it's so versatile!
The best thing about cake is how it can always make you feel better - sugary goodness!
It's all about the frosting baby!