Cake Poll: Baked Good Trends!

Spring has sprung, and it's time for another sweet giveaway!
There will be three lucky winners who will receive one of the following prize packs, complete with CakeSpy pins (shown below) and awesome stationery items with retro cake imagery donated by the cool company 11:11:
Prize Pack 1: A retro cake design notebook by 11:11; a pack of CakeSpy travel buttons; a Cuppie figurine
Prize Pack 2: A retro petit-four design checkbook holder by 11:11; a pack of CakeSpy travel buttons; a Cuppie figurine.
Prize Pack 3: A retro cake design business card / credit card holder by 11:11; a pack of CakeSpy travel buttons; a Cuppie figurine.
This time, we're talking about baking trends. Weigh in on these important issues! Just enter your responses as a comment below and you'll automatically be put in the running for the super sweet prizes! Three winners will be chosen at random, and the poll is open to entrants everywhere. The Cake Poll will close at 12pm PST on Saturday, March 28.
Here goes:
- Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over?
- "Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay?
- Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty?
- Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more?
- French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped?
- Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait?
- Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck?
- Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree?
cake poll

Reader Comments (246)
1. no bacon
2. yay, sometimes you are just in a hurry and need a mix
3.i like sweet
4.always room for cupcakes
5.macarons: delight
6.worth the wait
7. no thanks
8. yes
ere goes:
1. Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over?
Well a quiche is baked and I like bacon in quiche.. but other than that GROSSSSSSS
2. "Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay?
As with wonderbread, it all has its place somewhere.. just not in my house
3. Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty?
4. Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more?
I don't think there are ever too many cupcakes
5. French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped?
They seem so precious but I have yet to try one
6. Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait?
Of course! Its what separates us pros from the regular joes
7. Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck?
8. Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree?
I hope so! they look so delicious
1. bacon was no way meant for cupcakes/candies/cakes!
2. yay!
3. totes sweet.
4. there are NEVER enough cupcakes. never.
5. i've never had one but they're so nice to look at.
6. it depends on how hungry i am!
7. yummmmmmmmm.
8. i do agree!
1. Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over?
it's getting to be a little over done...but still good
2."Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay?
3. Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty?
totally sweet
4. Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more?
they are just like Jell-O....there's always room!
5. French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped?
any macaroon is a delight
6. Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait?
yes, it is sometimes imperative to the cookie that the dough be chilled so it turns out right.
7. Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck?
probably more appealing to children...not my cup of tea
8. Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree?
never hard one. So yes it would be great if they were the next big thing!
1. Bacon in baked books is so over. Bacon, tastes good, bad for you. Baked goods, taste great, usually bad for you. Together, there's just too much guilt involved. A girl can only handle so much.
2. Nay to designer baking mixes. Baking is so personal and pleasurable. First, nay to mixes in general. Then nay to crazy mark-ups b/c a celebrity slapped his/her name on the package.
3. Salted caramel is the cat's pajamas. It flavoricious and pretty much a good idea anytime.
4. In my town, there is room for more cupcake shops, as we have none. I'd love to get one though. I see pictures of all the cupcake art going on, *almost* (but not quite) too pretty to eat.
5. French macarons are unbelievable, but I have only encountered good ones in France. I don't think there's a confiserie out there that can rival the macarons in Paris. Too bad they're so darn hard to recreate.
6. If chilling is important, chill away. If I chill the dough for my fave choco-chip cookies, though, they don't shape right.
7. YUCK! Refer above to bacon question.
8. Nope, no matter what the NY Times has to say about it.
1. So over.
2. Nay.
3. Totally sweet.
4. Enough is enough.
5. Delicate delight.
6. Worth the wait.
7. Yuck.
8. I agree.
# Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over? sooooo good!! (yeah teen girl squad)
# "Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay? yay. sharin the wealth, yo.
# Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty? sounds like a good idea!!
# Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more? depends on the quality of the shop....the more the merrier if creativity is encouraged by competition.
# French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped? tasty!!
# Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait? DEFINITELY - my mom's special recipe chocolate chips mandate overnight refrigeration
# Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck? yum!! new and different!
# Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree? whoopie pies are incredibly vintage - my fiance's family from central pa has them as a staple at gatherings
1. I don't eat bacon, so over.
2. Never as good as you hope.
3. Sweet and salty, yum!
4. Enough is enough.
5. Beautiful but overhyped.
6. Definitely worth the wait.
7. Yuck! What a disappointment.
8. Next big thing. Retro is in.
#1 Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over? Who can say no to bacon?! Seriously!
#2 "Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay? Nay
#3 Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty? Never had it but cant wait to try it!
#4 Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more? well it all depends on the location
#5 French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped? delicate
#6 Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait? ABSOLUTELY!!
#7 Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck? I have to admit I am curious
#8 Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree? Not as cute as cupcakes =)
1. Sooooo good!
2. Nay -- too processed
3. Totally sweet. Love salted caramel
4. As long as they're good -- room for more!
5. Maybe worth the wait, but I'm never been patient enough to try.
6. Never had French macaroons, so hopefully overhyped ;)
7. Yuck!
8. Nope, still like cupcakes more.
1. Bacon with chocolate in a baked good is divine, with anything else, it's too much!
2. Designer mixes leave me flat, if I want a mix, good old Betty Crocker is still the best.
3. With a tiny pinch of salt, salted caramel is perfect.
4. There will always be room for more cupcakeries.
5. Macarons are FABULOUS!
6. I do half-and-half. I can't wait to bake 'em, but I'll put half of the dough away for the next day, and those cookies are way better.
7. I'd be willing to try one. I think they'd be fun for some of the picky-eater kids I know.
8. Whoopie pies are old school, and I still love 'em. We call 'em Whoppies in our family, and make them every Christmas.
1. So over... yuck!
2. Nay
3. Sweet... mmm, salted caramel
4. Enough cupcake shops for me... I'm more of a pie person
5. Delicate delight
6. Chilling the dough is definitely worth the wait
7. Savoury cupcakes? Why. Some things don't need to be cup-caked.
8. Yes! Bring on the pie!
1. Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over? Over
2. "Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay? Yay
3. Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty? Perfect!
4. Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more? More
5. French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped? Delicate Delight
6. Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait? Worth it.
7. Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck? Yuck.
8. Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree? Nope... but they are great!
Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over? Over
"Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay? Yay bakeries nay celebs
Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty? - awesome
Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more? I need more so they can make it to my town (trickle down theory)
French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped? cant comment coconut aversion
Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait? Yes
Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck? Yuck
Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree? Yes.
Bacon in baked goods: I haven't tried them, but it just seems so WRONG!
"Designer" cake and baking mixes: Maybe for the masses, but I wouldn't buy one.
Salted caramel: totally sweet
Cupcake shops opening everywhere: There's always room for more, but I'd prefer a funky little bakery with all sorts of yumminess.
French macarons: meh
Chilling dough for perfect cookies: worth the wait, but honestly, who has that kind of self control!
Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): Yuck, it's like a really horrible April Fool's joke
Whoopie pies as the next big thing: Maybe. Retro is so in right now and I think a lot of fun twists could be done with them.
1. I think bacon can only be in savory, like breads. Not in sweets!
2. Sure, but seems most people would stick to the usual.
3. Not too salty is fine, otherwise nay.
4. Keep em coming, they're all different and delicious!
5. Over-hyped, it will run its course I guess.
6. Yes definately, if the recipe calls for it.
7. YUCKY! Thos things should never ever be a cupcake =(
8. Love it, yes. I need to sample!
-Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over?
So good... FOREVER!
-"Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay?
Nay. It teaches one nothing about being a self sufficient baker. It's making a cake- it's an art form but it shouldn't be intimidating. Plus- you have complete control of what goes in your cake- no preservatives or other strange things.
-Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty?
Salted caramel is the most brilliant flavour. Especially for those of us who crave salt & sweet at the same time and *ahem* certain times... I can't decide if it's my new faveourite though.
-Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more?
-French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped?
Love them. Honore has amazing ones. And about double the size of Bakery Nouveau. BN 's are still great though!
-Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait?
Yes- depends on the cookie but yes. Science supports this (see BakeWise) :)
-Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck?
Yum with an initial whaaaa...?
-Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree?
They are a bit too messy. So I don't think so.
# Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over? So good!!
# "Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay? Nay
# Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty? Totally sweet.
# Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more? There is always room for another cupcake!
# French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped? delicate delight!
# Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait? So worth the wait
# Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck? I make meatloaf muffins. Perfect size! So I say yum. Unless it's cake flavored as meatloaf...then I say yuck!
# Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree? I had a bad first experience with whoopie pies so NO!
Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over? So over please!
"Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay? Bope. I'll visit your restaurant/bakery if I want it baked by you.
Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty? Soooo delicious, totally sweet I guess
Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more? We're done here
French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped? Never had one but they look so delicious
Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait? Definitely worth the wait
Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck?
Yuck...and I love me some savoury food!
Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree? What's a whoopie pie? Don't know so can't predict. But the name sure is fun to say!
Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over? i'm on a fence with this. bacon and cheddar and jalapeno scones or muffins are totally killer.
"Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay? nay, if you are selling cookbooks with REAL cake recipes, why sponsor a fake cake mix full of gross additives.
Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty? I love it!
Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more? one good one in a small town is great, or a few in a metropolitan city, but over 10 is crying out "get a new idea people"
French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped? i like plain meringues, macaroons beware!
Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait? i cheat and only wait half the time sometimes and it still works.
Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck? eeww! that image just burned a hole in my brain.
Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree? nope, maybe an ice cream cookie. now i want one, thanks for the craving.
This is fun, lets do another one.
Bacon in baked goods: I don't know. I have only had it in "frozen" goods -- ice cream! It was pretty good though, so I am game for trying baked bacon goods!
"Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries): Way nay. Keeping them out of the personal kitchen keeps them special when you visit the shoppe.
Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty?: Not sure. Never had it.
Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more? Certainly not enough around here (Boston suburbs). Room for more.
French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped?: Never had them. Can't tell you yet, but promise I will when I try them!
Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait?: Have yeto to have the patience to try. OOOH. Maybe I'll try it tonight for moving a friend on Sunday!
Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck?: YUCK! I don't need that surprise when expecting something sweet!
Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree?: Nah. I heard ICE CREAM was the next big thing. I am so all over that!
Here goes:
1. Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over? SO OVER
2. "Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay? NAY. Celebrity or not, a cake mix is still a cake mix.
3. Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty? YUMMY
4. Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more? Time to move on
5. French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped? Delicate Delight
6. Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait? YEP
7. Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck? Interesting.... but why can't things just be what they are...
8. Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree? I guess so
1. So good!
2. Nay...well maybe if it's Ina's!
3. Totally sweet!
4. Room for more!
5. Delicate delight!
6. Yes...but so hard to wait!
7. Yum...but I don't call those cupcakes!
8. No
jojo17 at gmail dot com
Bacon in baked goods: so good or so over? over
"Designer" cake and baking mixes (for instance, those made by celebrity chefs or famous bakeries)--yay or nay? all mixes.
Salted caramel: totally sweet or way too...salty? Totally sweet.
Cupcake shops opening everywhere: enough is enough, or room for more? More, please!
French macarons: delicate delight, or way overhyped? A delight.
Chilling dough for perfect cookies: is it worth the wait? I don't think so, but I wouldn't know, never could make myself wait that long!
Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): yum or yuck? YUCK.
Whoopie pies as the next big thing: do you agree? Could be...
# Bacon in baked goods: So over. At least I hope.
# "Designer" cake and baking mixes: Nay! Nay! It wouldn't be special anymore.
# Salted caramel: I heard about this recently, but I've never tried it. Sounded good in theory.
# Cupcake shops opening everywhere: I wouldn't say they're opening up everywhere. The two towns I live in lack cupcake shops. So, I say, there can never be enough!
# French macarons: Overhyped. I'm not a macaroon fan.
# Chilling dough for perfect cookies: Yes. And I have the patience.
# Savory cupcakes (for instance, meat loaf cupcake with mashed potato frosting): Yuck.
# Whoopie pies as the next big thing: Could be. I've never had them though.