Bake it Pretty: A Super Sweet Giveaway!

Probably you already know about Bake it Pretty, the cutest online source for baking decorations, packaging supplies, and other notions. And if you don't already know it, you will love it. But whether this shop is a new discovery or an old friend, one thing will hold true: you want what they are selling. One of everything, please.
And now, you can get a great head start with this super-sweet giveaway: a $50 gift certificate to!
You probably don't need to be told that this is an awesome giveaway.
To put yourself in the running, simply leave a comment below with your answer to the following question:
Which part of making a cake (or any baked good) is the most fun: baking or decorating?
The cake poll is open all week--but be sure to enter before 12 p.m. PST on Friday, October 16! In the meantime, please feel free to click over to to choose what you'd buy with the prize--you might want to check out their blog as well!

Reader Comments (559)
hmm. hard to choose but i'ld have to go with baking. baking is where i put all my love and hard work into. i definately spend more time mixing and making sure its perfect then decorating. i love decorating but i dont have that many tools. XD
I love the decorating...each cake, cupcake or cookie feels like a little piece of art!
Decorating for sure! It's so much fun to be creative and have everyone admire your hardwork even before they taste it!
I love baking. Decorating is fun, but I tend to stress a bit about making it perfect. Baking is relaxing though.
Decorating, or eating...or maybe baking. I love it all!
Oh, the decorating, hands down!
definitely putting the ingredients together and tasting the goodness!
baking! i usually have great ideas for decorating but they don't come out as great as I had hoped!
Baking's more fun for me because it's less stressful! I'm not so good at the decorating yet. But I love a well-done decorating job :)
It's a toss up. I prefer decorating only if it's an old tried and true baking recipe. If it's a new (to me) recipe then I'd rather do that.
Decorating is soo fun...I'd love to learn to do it better. However...I also love baking cakes (and cookies) too. The best thing of seeing everyone enjoy the end results! :)
the baking...
it's the measuring and mixing, it's the tasting...
oh it's so the baking...
I know that decorating should be more fun, people certainly ooh and aah over a pretty cake, but I love baking much more. I've got the frosting thing down, and as long as I'm not too tired, the outside will look nice, but when you truly come up with something special or different you can watch as people's faces light up as they're eating it.
decorating wins, hands down!
Definitely decorating, I just need to get better at it!
Decorating all the way!
I love the baking process!
H. Angulo
Cooking can be so therapeutic!
Its close call but I love to the baking better!!!
love decorating, but baking is my favorite... makes the house smell dreamy!
Decorating! And licking the bowl, either of the cake mixture or the icing (or both!)
Licking the spoon of course!:)
Licking the spoon of course!:)
Baking! My husband loves decorating so we share!
Decorating is a lot of fun, but I find more satisfaction in putting everything together, mixing it all together into a gloop and watching it transform in the oven into a slice of heaven (: .