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Bake it Pretty: A Super Sweet Giveaway!

Bake it Pretty Giveaway
Probably you already know about Bake it Pretty, the cutest online source for baking decorations, packaging supplies, and other notions. And if you don't already know it, you will love it. But whether this shop is a new discovery or an old friend, one thing will hold true: you want what they are selling. One of everything, please.

And now, you can get a great head start with this super-sweet giveaway: a $50 gift certificate to BakeitPretty.com!

You probably don't need to be told that this is an awesome giveaway.

To put yourself in the running, simply leave a comment below with your answer to the following question:

Which part of making a cake (or any baked good) is the most fun: baking or decorating?

The cake poll is open all week--but be sure to enter before 12 p.m. PST on Friday, October 16! In the meantime, please feel free to click over to bakeitpretty.com to choose what you'd buy with the prize--you might want to check out their blog as well! 

UPDATE: The Cake Poll is closed! Congratulations to the winner, Olivia from Ann Arbor, MI!


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Reader Comments (559)

truth be told, the best part of baking is licking the mixing bowl

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterLaur

I would have to say baking. I love the smells and putting everything together to make something yummy.

October 9 | Unregistered Commentermomaof4

I always look forward to coming up with creative ways to decorate :)

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterLauren

D for Decorating! D for Dumdeedumdi!

I find decorating the most fun because that's where you build in all of the hope and anticipation for the prospective cupcake eater. Whether it be an elegant swirl, an extravagant flower, or a cute puff of buttercream, the decorating makes a cupcake just that!

October 9 | Unregistered Commenterdumdeedumdi

Baking baking baking! I love decorating but I also love the process of putting everything together.

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

Hard to choose, but I don't usually have a lot of opportunity for decorating per se so baking and coming up with new flavors is probably the most fun for me.

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterMel

Baking, no decorating, no baking....ugh!!! I can't choose!

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

I like the baking part best because the mixing is therapeutic and the smells heavenly!

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterElena

Licking the bowl of course is the best part!! and or the first bite!!

I love both, but decorating can be a bit more creative which I love. Mmm, I think it's time to go bake another cake.

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterScrapamum

Tough question!! I like both parts...but probably the baking.

I love to decorate! I love trying out new techniques and gadgets and the kids love it when I mess up and have to make another one!

October 9 | Unregistered Commenterwizibuff

I like the decorating part best! It's so much fun :D

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterBentoForKidlet

That is definitely a tough one to answer...

The mommy in me LOVES the baking part, because my kids and I often have so much fun baking together. The woman in me (not really separate, but, you know what I mean) LOVES the decorating part - even just the planning of what I'm going to do part of the decorating part. Most of all, though, ALL of me LOVES the part where I get to give the cupcakes to people - they're always so giddy and wide eyed. As you know, cupcakes can do that to a person :O)

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterSusan

Neither! It's the eating! :) Just kidding. I would have to say decorating. I really like to play around and be creative. But sometimes you can get creative with the baking too! :)

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterHolly M

Decorating baby!!

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterKim

baking baking baking!
beacause its messy and delcious. (:

October 9 | Unregistered Commentertina

Baking! You can experiment with flavours that no one as seen before. Or you can take regular recipes and turn them into something completely out of this world! Sometimes somethings may not come out like you'd planned, but when it comes out perfect then your pride bubbles over.

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterCourtney

i think eating is my favorite part but i like the baking part too. i smush my nose up against the glass, anxious to see how they're turning out :)

October 9 | Unregistered Commenteryoungmi

Baking is more relaxing for me, so I like it best. I tend to be too much of a piano builder and I'm never satisfied by how it looks decorated.

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterAmber

Decorating, definitely! You get to be creative, have fun! When I bake, I always bake to the recipe because I have no sense of smell and can't really gauge how something is developing otherwise. But I can really go crazy with decorating!


October 9 | Unregistered CommenterChris

Definitely decorating...pouring the batter in the pans is quite fun for me too :)

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterMeaghan

deefna at gmail dot com

October 9 | Unregistered Commenterlittle bird

I would have to say baking is my favorite part. Especially since if I mess up I don't know yet:) So I'm always happy as it goes into the oven:)

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterNutmeg Nanny

Baking...then tasting!

October 9 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie
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