Bake it Pretty: A Super Sweet Giveaway!

Probably you already know about Bake it Pretty, the cutest online source for baking decorations, packaging supplies, and other notions. And if you don't already know it, you will love it. But whether this shop is a new discovery or an old friend, one thing will hold true: you want what they are selling. One of everything, please.
And now, you can get a great head start with this super-sweet giveaway: a $50 gift certificate to!
You probably don't need to be told that this is an awesome giveaway.
To put yourself in the running, simply leave a comment below with your answer to the following question:
Which part of making a cake (or any baked good) is the most fun: baking or decorating?
The cake poll is open all week--but be sure to enter before 12 p.m. PST on Friday, October 16! In the meantime, please feel free to click over to to choose what you'd buy with the prize--you might want to check out their blog as well!

Reader Comments (559)
personally i love both the baking and the decorating, especially for cupcakes, they are the best! :)
I love to do the baking. Mostly because I'm not the greatest decoraotor. I want to get better. Getting the giveaway would help start that.
Amanda Penhael
I am not the best decorator in the world, so I feel that baking the cake is my favorite part. I love mixing the ingredients together, smelling the cake baking in the oven, and, it must be said, licking the remains of the batter out of the bowl!
Baking. Love watching the recipe come together, and smelling the goodies in the oven!
Decorating is always my favorite part! I am one of those people that can't experiment... if I mess with a recipe, it turns into Crisco loaf (my family still won't let me live that one down!)
And I love being creative and artsy-fartsy!! :)
Decorating! I prefer decorations that still taste good and don't have weird textures, so frosting all the way!
Oh..that is hard. I would have to say decorating because you can really get creative.
Baking! I love trying new ingredients or combinations!
Definitely the decorating. But I enjoy both!
That's a tough call I like them both, but since I have to choose. I would say decorating is the favorite... seeing the finished product is always a pleasure.
I love decorating!
I love both the baking and the decorating part. Baking is great because you get to see what you can create by combining a bunch of plain ingredients, and decorating is fun because there's more room for creativity!
I love the baking part. I'm still not too good with decorating, but I keep trying. Even if my cakes aren't pretty, they still taste yummy!
Eating is the best!
But with the choices given, I'd have to say baking. Mix and measure and out pops something utterly delightful. Decorating is merely the icing on the cake. Literally & metaphorically.
i think that with a cake, the decorating is more fun, because it's where you turn a yummy treat into a delicious work of art!
I LOVE the decorating part... I want to get to the good stuff!
Baking is much more fun! But perhaps I only say that because of my lack of confidence in my decorating skills...
For me, it's all about the baking and the anticipation of what it's going to taste like.
I would say taste testing, but that wasn't the question.
Baking would have to be my true answer, I get my kids involved and they get excited - my 5yr old son likes to work the mixer and tries to break the eggs.
baking is the best of course
it made me crossing my finger while the cake is still on the oven
Sampling is my favorite part, but if I had to choose, I guess I would pick decorating. I love the time leading up to the actual decorating when I get to design the outcome in my head :)
I think the best part of making a cake is the decorating part because you can put your own style into something simple and make it awesome!