Cake Quandary: What Kind of Cupcakes Do Celebrities Eat?

As a loyal reader of In Touch and US Weekly, I have come to depend on their thoughtful writing and vivid photographs. But as thorough and thought-provoking as the articles are, there is one facet of celebrity culture which I have found lacking in these fine publications: what kind of cake do celebrities like to eat?
Happily, The Cupcakery in Las Vegas has got this important subject covered, and recently sent me on some of the inside scoop on what flavors celebrities have enjoyed. Curious? Here is just a sampling of documented celebrity cupcake flavor picks (some with pictures!):
Avril Lavigne chose Tickle Me Pink.
Lance Bass had red velvet with special birthday decorations;
Fergie had a specialty assortment;
Quentin Tarantino loved the chocolate passion;
Joey Fatone is a red velvet fan;
Boys II Men (so circa 1992!) love red velvet;
Jermaine O’Neil (NBA) digs red velvet;
Pete Wentz (AKA Mr. Ashlee Simpson) is also a fan of the red velvet.
So what does this tell us all? As one associate of The Cupcakery aptly put it, "I guess red velvet is the most popular!". And why wouldn't it be--their version of the classic treat, the Southern Belle, is a red velvet cupcake that's been in the owner's family for decades. Of course, other flavors on the menu, like Orange Julius, Pink Lemonade, Oh My Gosh Ganache and (coming soon) the Elvis sound pretty good too.
Want more? Check them out online at

Reader Comments (4)
Sadly the cupcakes don't taste as good as they used to. Last weekend I had some red velvet cupcakes from The Cupcakery that were really dry. :(
Jessie, when Pink was here last month she (her assistant) ordered Trophy Cupcakes for her after the show birthday party. Unfortunatley they did not send us a picture :)
Pearl Jam also had after show cupcakes last month with their album artwork on them...and of course Sunny Day Real Estate had Trophy Cupcakes on their bus before the secret show in Tacoma :)
Wow, this is a great discovery! Celebrities eating cupcakes? Cupcakes that contain a lot of sugar, chocolate, butter, and all that nasty stuff they tend to avoid? I'd be shock if the next time, I'd see a picture (better yet, a video!) of a celebrity actually eating a cupcake. :D
I'm kidding!
They are good-looking cupcakes though.