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Bake it Pretty: A Super Sweet Giveaway!

Bake it Pretty Giveaway
Probably you already know about Bake it Pretty, the cutest online source for baking decorations, packaging supplies, and other notions. And if you don't already know it, you will love it. But whether this shop is a new discovery or an old friend, one thing will hold true: you want what they are selling. One of everything, please.

And now, you can get a great head start with this super-sweet giveaway: a $50 gift certificate to BakeitPretty.com!

You probably don't need to be told that this is an awesome giveaway.

To put yourself in the running, simply leave a comment below with your answer to the following question:

Which part of making a cake (or any baked good) is the most fun: baking or decorating?

The cake poll is open all week--but be sure to enter before 12 p.m. PST on Friday, October 16! In the meantime, please feel free to click over to bakeitpretty.com to choose what you'd buy with the prize--you might want to check out their blog as well! 

UPDATE: The Cake Poll is closed! Congratulations to the winner, Olivia from Ann Arbor, MI!


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Reader Comments (559)

Baking the item with the decorating in mind for me.
I plan out the decor when I select the pan, liner and height of the cake, even the color of the pan comes into play.

October 14 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Jean Layton

Decorating, definitely. Love these wrappers!!!

October 14 | Unregistered CommenterSpotgirl

hard choice...but i think baking!

October 14 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

I would definitely say baking, but the decorating is fun to! Me and my om love to bake and decorate!

October 14 | Unregistered CommenterHaley

Id love to say both but if i have to choose id say decorating. Since Ive never considered myself to be a very artistic person, i have to say i enjoy the decorating aspect because my cakes are my art and i can be as creative as id like. go cake!

October 14 | Unregistered Commentercokencake

For me, decorating is the most fun ever! I get to be creative, whimsical, colorful, glittery, and bejeweled on a cake, it's even more of an expression of who I am inside than what I wear on the outside.


October 14 | Unregistered CommenterMaryJane

Baking, definitely!

October 14 | Unregistered Commentertfnimura

Decorating, I love letting the creativity flow

October 14 | Unregistered Commenterdeitra.sisk

Decorating! Hands down! It's like, um, the frosting on the cake!! LOL!

October 14 | Unregistered CommenterShawna

I'm definitely a baking girl. Decorating is a wonderful thing that I happen to be remarkably inept at. I can appreciate a good decorating job, but I honestly don't think it makes the dish taste better. Of course, this may be sour grapes on the part of someone who can never get her frosting even.

My cakes may not look particularly pretty, but they taste delicious, and I have no end of fun making them.

Possibly my favorite part of baking, though, is the delight of the scent wafting through the house as the cake bakes and the overwhelming sense of anticipation it brings.

Mmmm...baking cake.

October 14 | Unregistered CommenterTwistie

baking - you know it'll end up tasting good, but making it look good after can be stressfull

October 15 | Unregistered CommenterCorinne

The best part is the baking.....no the decorating....no the baking.....no the decorating. Oh well, can't make up my mind, but each part makes the other worth while.

October 15 | Unregistered CommenterShelley

Like many others, I am a baker and decorator finding pleasure in both. However, when adding the ingredients,"tweaking it" & the aroma it releases when in the oven, with a hint of cinnamon... it's the baking that is most satisfying!

October 15 | Unregistered Commentergingerq

Since I've recently completed a cake decorating class it is now my favorite part. I love executing what I learned in the class.

October 15 | Unregistered CommenterStampin' Heather

Baking because that's the part that really matters in the end. If it doesn't taste good, no amount of twirls or flourishes can help it. Thanks for the great giveaway!

October 15 | Unregistered Commentermom2ross

I love both, but I know I was particularly disappointed yesterday leaving my baking job without getting to decorate my peanutbutter cup ghosts!!

October 15 | Unregistered CommenterAngela (lala)

That's a toughie...if I can't say the eating, I think I'll go with the baking!

October 15 | Unregistered CommenterSusan

I love both, but probably baking just a bit more....

October 15 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Decorating, because then you can sample both the cake and the decorations (frosting, sprinkles, etc). Plus, you get to put something together that ends up looking beautiful.

October 15 | Unregistered CommenterEbeth

Hands down, I love the baking part more! It's easier to share the baking with another person and I love sharing my kitchen time. I do enjoy the freedom of expression and creative challenges that decorating provide but often, I have to do the decorating alone. Too many decorators can too often end in a brawl!

October 15 | Unregistered Commenterkmackstress

For me, it's a difficult choice, but I'd have to say the DECORATING... that's when the individuality and style comes out!

October 15 | Unregistered CommenterMarti

I think that baking - however, it depends on how late in the day it's being made. If I have time to decorate the day after baking then it's six of one...
I think it's the smell of the baking. Perhaps if decorating filling my apartment with a nice smell then it might be more enjoyable.

October 15 | Unregistered CommenterDanica

Even though I'm a professional decorator, I heart baking the best. I love love love batter! Without a good tasting cake, I don't see the point in decorating it! You might as well frost and decorate cardboard : )

October 15 | Unregistered CommenterHudsoncakery

Definately the baking. The decorating never seems to come out how I intend it too, but in general no matter how frustrated I get in the decorating process I always enjoy the process of baking. However the inward star decorating tip at Bake it Pretty looks like an answer to my decorating prayers...

I love doing both but I would say baking because I have two daughters, Audrey is 4 and Jane is 3. And they put on their aprons and help me pour the ingredients into the bowl and they love to stir. hugs, ellen

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