Cake Poll: Oops, Make that a Cookie Poll!

It's that unique time of year that summer starts to fade into early fall; the skies are a piercing blue, days are getting shorter, and school's back in session. Even those who are long out of school are not impervious to the allure of this season, nostalgically recalling the excitement newness of a new school year, punctuated by freshly sharpened pencils and maybe a brand new trapper keeper. And what else goes better with back to school time than milk and cookies at the end of the day?
- What is your favorite type of cookie?
- Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips?
- Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess?
- Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever?
- Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough?
- Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely?
- Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked?
- Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right?
The fine print: The poll will be closed at 2 p.m PST on Thursday, September 4 (we're leaving it open for a week since we hope many of you are avoiding your computers over the holiday weekend!). As usual, the winner will be chosen at random. Entries from the US and beyond are welcome. Your info will never be shared and these questions are solely motivated by our nosy spy tendencies. Of course, if you don't win, you can always buy Cakespy artwork and gear at!
Reader Comments (187)
I hope being first will give me good mojo ...
1. Gingerbread! especially in dinosaur shapes :)
2. BOTH!
3. Deliciousness, all the way
4. Probably never ever ... although if i ever have kids this will be updated, i'm sure
5. too much for one sitting, just enough for two!
6. a different (yummy) category entirely
7. slightly underbaked (or significantly un-baked ... which leads to 8!)
8. oh, so right!
1. Mexican Wedding Cookies/Tea Cakes
2. Raisins -- I only eat them in oatmeal cookies.
3. Deliciousness, fo' sho'.
4. Never ever eaten them before!
5. Usually too much, but sometimes they're just right.
6. Totally a different category.
7. Slightly underbaked.
8. So, so wrong. I have a deep-seeded fear of getting sick from raw cookie dough!
1. white chocolate macademia nut
2. Both!
3. deliciousness!
4. never, NEVER ever!
5. just enough
6. completely different category
7. I love crunchy cookies, slighty overbaked!
8. so, so right!
1. Double chocolate chipe cookie - the classic :-)
2. Prefer With chocolate but with raisins i like them too
3. I don't like dunking cookies
4. Home made slice and bake cookies I like them , The storebought ones - never.
5. Depends on my mood, sometimes they re right usually though they re a bit too much
6. I don't consider bar cookies as cookies. Different category
7. Slightly underbakes are better
8. I never eat raw cookies dough although I m really temped sometimes
I love your polls!
1- Favorite? The one that is closer to me.
2- I don't have nothing aginst using both. ;)
3- Deliciousnesssss (but only when we're talking about plain cookies, not with fillings)
4- Only if I make the dough myself!
5- Too much and cookies never should be aplied in the same sentence.
6- I would say they're cousins with the cookies.
7- Under! You can always bake them again if you want, but if they're overbaked they're no salvation...
8- You've gotta taste it before you bake it! Imagine it tastes nasty, you'll save the energy you would spent on the oven to bake it!
# What is your favorite type of cookie? Quadruple chocolate cookies (white, milk and dark chocolate chips and dark cocoa)
# Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? Definitely chocolate chips, because I don't like raising. But I'd rather have the oatmeal cookies without added goodies
# Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess? Depends on the type of cookie. Speculaas must be dunked, other cookies not...
# Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever? Guilty pleasure. I'm a student, so not enough time...
# Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough? Too much, I don't understand the overload of sugar you Americans seem to like...
# Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? Different category, since I've never seen them in the cookie-isle in Holland, only in the same isle as the cereal bars...
# Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked? Underbaked, I love a bit of uncooked cookiedough in the middle :)
# Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right? So right!! Sometimes I just eat all the dough instead of baking it (miniportion of dough of course, don't overdo it ;) )
What is your favorite type of cookie? - Oatmeal - chewey, nutty and full of raisins.
Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? chocolate doesn't belong in an oatmeal cookie!
Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess? only if it's a crunchy cookie
Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever? good for a quick craving fix (for baked or unbaked alike!)
Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough? often the crispy/cakey/chewy ratio is all off, so i'd prefer more little cookies over one huge cookie
Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? just not the same
Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked? under under under
Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right? half the reason to bake cookies!
What is your favorite type of cookie? Shortbread or custard creams
Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? Raisins
Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess?
Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever? Don't know what these are!
Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough? Usually too soft for me - I like a crisp biscuit.
Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? Don't know what these are!
Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked?
Slightly over - a biscuit has to be crisp.
Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right? I'd have to be pretty hungry to think this was a good idea!
What is your favorite type of cookie? Chewy Molasses Ginger
Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? Definitely with Raisins!
Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess? Dunked in Tea = very good
Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever? Just once...
Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough? Just enough to share
Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? Whole different category, but still tasty
Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked? Underbaked
Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right? I think that this is actually better than eating the fully baked cookies
# What is your favorite type of cookie? Chocolate Chip
# Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? Chocolate Chips
# Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess? So delicious.
# Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever? Guilty pleasure (lazy pleasure :P)
# Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough? Just enough.
# Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? I think they are a category unto themselves.
# Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked? Slightly underbaked
# Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right? So very right as long as it's me eating it and not my hubby XD
What is your favorite type of cookie? Spritz Butter Cookies
Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? Neither!
Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess? Depends on the cookie: chocolate chip or sandwich cookies? so delicious. Most others, not so much.
Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever? Guilty pleasure.
Jumbo bakery cookies: Too much, and they rarely get the texture right because they are so big. The edges get overdone while they are cooking the middle, or they are too crumbly to hold their big shape.
Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? Not cookies at all.
Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked? Slightly underbaked.
Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right? So right! I get upset every year because my husband's family makes Christmas cookies, but my mother-in-law won't let me eat the dough. That's the best part!
What is your favorite type of cookie? It's a peanut butter, chocolate, pretzel, caramel cookie that my son and I made up together...if you want the recipe, just let me know. It is AWESOME!
Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? Chocolate chips, I have bad childhood memories of
Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess? OH SO good in ice cold milk or steaming hot cocoa.
Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever?
I am an equal opportunity baker, but I LOVE fresh homemade and simply will tolerate slice and bake.
Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough?
too much for me. I want the option to stop eating...I can't leave left overs when it comes to cookies.
Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? I think a different category, but if they want to be called cookies...let em...they still taste great!
Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked?
OOoooooo, SLIGHTLY UNDERBAKED! (and raw of course :))
Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right?
Oh and look at this question...YOu HAVE to eat the cookie dough! It is a requirement....didn't you know that???
Looking forward to the results...I hope I win! (doesn't everyone??) If ya wanna throw in the cuppie geek, I would be ok with that too...I am sooooo in love!
1) Chocolate chip!
2) Chocolate chips, no question.
3) Soggy mess.
4) Guilty pleasure, but I have a hard time getting past the slice part to the bake part before eating them...
5) You can never have too much cookie!
6) More of a sub-category, I guess.
7) Slightly underbaked is the best way to eat a cookie.
8) So right!
1. Really Close between Mocha Walnut and Peanut Butter AND Oatmeal Raisin
2. Both! Plus Chopped Walnuts!
3. Totally Circumstantial. Depends on the cookie and the drink...
4. Never Ever, unless you're just eating the cookie dough itself
5. Big is better, but Bakery is bad. I'm all about Homemade.
6. In between, not exactly a cookie, but still fits in under the umbrella term of cookie nevertheless.
7. Slightly underbaked- Gooey is best!
8. So, so right!
1: Chocolate Chip with Cranberry
2: Chocolate Chips
3: Delicious!
4: OOo I might try this!
5: Just enough
6: No way - cookies are round!
7: Underbaked!
8: Oooo so nice with icecream!
Happy Weekend!
Apple x
1. What is your favorite type of cookie? Chocolate Chip Cookie
2. Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? Chocolate chips
3. Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess? Deliciousness
4. Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever? Guilty Pleasure
5. Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough? Just enough
6. Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? Different category
7. Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked? Slightly underbaked
8. Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right? SOO RIGHT!
1. White chocolate CHUNK with macadamia nuts
2. Raisins
3. Depends how moist they are to begin with
4. Never ever
5. Eh, I they can be pretty to look at but not as great in my opinion
6. A whole different ball game
7. Underbaked for sure
8. I try to hold out for as long as I can
Great questions! =)
# What is your favorite type of cookie? Snickerdoodles
# Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? Raisins!
# Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess? Mmmm....yummy.
# Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever? Never tried 'em
# Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough? Too much, these days. Of course, if the kids see me...then it's just enough, after they take their share!
# Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? Entirely different category
# Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked? This depends on the cookie!
# Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right? As in eating it with a spoon?? Never tried :) I prefer them baked!
1) So many cookies to chose from! But it has to be the classic Homemade fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookie
2) Oatmeal cookies with raisins-to make it nice and healthy after adding all that butter and sugar...
3) I LOVE dunking my cookies, especially Oreos! The mushier the better!
4) Guilty pleasure- I don’t have time to bake all the time. I work 40 hours a week and sometimes I want a nice hot cookie. Nothing to feel guilty about!
5) Jumbo cookies are just enough- I love to share them with my husband.
6) I don’t think bar cookies can be considered cookies. Anything where you bake and slice should not be considered a cookie.
7) Slightly under baked-I love the soft buttery texture that slightly under baked cookies have.
8) I LOVE RAW COOKIE DOUGH!!!-sometimes when I make cookies I eat more raw dough than cooked cookies.
What is your favorite type of cookie? **chocolate chip, such a classic!
Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? **raisins
Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess? **a soggy mess, unless we're talking about fig newtons, I can't eat them unless they are dunked in milk!
Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever? **Never ever
Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough? **way too much
Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? **I think they're different
Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked? **slightly underbaked, I love the gooey middle
Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right? **wait, some people think it's wrong?!
1. What is your favorite type of cookie? Oatmeal raisin, I think.
2. Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? Both, and also some coconut for extra magic.
3. Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess? Depends on the cookie - really crisp ones, definitely, while really soft ones are meant for gobbling whole.
4. Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever? Exceptionally rarely, and generally only those sugar ones that have pictures in the middle.
5. Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough? Too much unless you can share with a friend!
6. Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? Definitely cookies, in which case maybe I need to change my favorite.
7. Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked? Underbaked. Gooey is almost always better than burned.
8. Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right? If it's wrong, I don't wanna be right.
1. Really soft butter cookies. Yum.
2. Chocolate chips, as I find raisins vile.
3. Deliciousness!
4. Guilty pleasure
5. Way too much, but fun to split with a friend!
6. Bar cookies are their own category, I think.
7. Underbaked. Yummm, soft gooey cookies.
8. If it is wrong to eat cookie dough, then I don't want to be right.
1) soft and slightly salty chocolate chip cookies
2) chocolate chips of course!
3) soggy mess...unless the cookies are biscotti...then yes you dunk!
4) if you are referring to anything store bought...then never ever! Slice and bake homemade - sure!
5) Jumbo cookies are great - if the cookie is good!
6) Bar cookies are not cookies - but still tasty!
7) slightly underbaked, refer back to answer #1
8) Cookie dough is the only thing that got me through University! I rarely ever eat baked cookies...I never get that far!!!
1. Snickerdoodles, especially when my sister makes them.
2. Chocolate chips. Oatmeal cookies are healthy enough without adding raisins.
3. Depends on the cookie, but I'm very partial to the Tim-Tam Slam, myself.
4. Slice-and-bake cookies are an abomination.
5. My issue with jumbo bakery cookies is less one of quantity than it is that most of them have no flavor.
6. Bar cookies are their own category. We don't group brownies with cake, right? Same thing should go for bar cookies.
7. Slightly underbaked. Give me a gooey center any time.
8. Eating cookie dough is only wrong when so much dough gets eaten that no actual cookies get made.
# What is your favorite type of cookie? - Pumpkin Raisin
# Oatmeal Cookies: With raisins, or chocolate chips? with raisins!
# Dunking your cookies: Deliciousness, or a soggy mess? Depends on the cookie. the harder the cookie, the better for dunking. tea and gingersnaps are a go!
# Slice n' bake cookies: Guilty pleasure, or never ever? Eh, good for potlucks and other people.
# Jumbo bakery cookies: too much, or just enough? Silly. Never cooked evenly and stale hard edges.
# Bar cookies: are they really cookies, or a different category entirely? Different category, more like a brownie, really
# Which is better: Slightly underbaked or slightly overbaked? Overbacked, so you can dunk them!
# Eating cookie dough: so wrong, or so right? Depends on the flavor. anything chocolate or cinnamon is lucky to make it to the oven.