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Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Oreos smiling

Salt and pepper cookies: sort of like fancied up homemade oreos.

I tried to make a dull subject (perspective in art) exciting and cute. Did I succeed?

Donut doubt my devotion to these holey treats.

I'm in Puerto Rico right now, so I'm enjoying these plantain recipes in their natural element.

Although this is from 2008, this is an interesting piece on the phenomenon of shrinking ice cream cartons in stores.

I was expecting more from this collection of houses that look like cakes, but I like the idea.

I also like these cakes inspired by real buildings!

In case you missed it: a fun donut activity to distract you from work.

Add some color to your life with this exploration of ways to color in your illustrations, written by *me*.

Individual apple crisp recipe. You know what that means: it's all for you.

If you need a little Christmas, right this very minute...snowballs are tasty any time of year.

Peanut dacquoise with peanut butter mousse and glaze? I am so down with this.

Post of the week: 10 Commandments of Guilty Pleasure Desserts.

How to make buttercream even better. Yes, it's possible!

How to make cake in a mug in the microwave.

Book of the week: Peeps: Recipes and Crafts to Make with Your Favorite Marshmallow Treat. I mean, I'm just happy that the book exists, but all the better that it has adorable crafts that expand your peeps artistry beyond torturing the things in the microwave. Peeps sushi, anyone?


Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Perfect peach pie. Plain and simple.

Chocolate zucchini snack cake. Trust me, it's not health food.

Better together (and wrapped in pie crust): Peanut butter cup pocket pies.

Awesomely whimsical wonky cakes.

Ever heard of Humpty Dumpty's Off the Wall Toast? AKA egg in hole toast or a zillion other names. Always tasty.

Want to know my thoughts about the best paper for illustration? Look here.

A forever favorite that always disappears quickly after baking: Houdini bars.

Look at this cute cartoon. It involves ice cream.

Cornmeal blueberry bar cookies. Because both corn and blueberries are so good in the summer where I'm from (NJ).

I love the trivia section of the Ice Cream Sundae site.

I'm OK with bringing a bit of fall into a summer treat: pumpkin cheesecake popsicles.

A fun interview with...well, me!

Cool kitchen gadget alert: Baking Steel. I wonder what sweet treats you could make with it?

Just saying: lots of stuff on sale on the CakeSpy online shop.

Book of the week: The Wizard of Oz Cookbook: Breakfast in Kansas, Dessert in Oz. Primarily because, well, it exists, but also because it has kitschy recipes and movie trivia.


Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Cookie cake pie.

Whoa, Crumbs is closing forever and ever? I hate seeing bakeries close.

Brilliant baked goods worth lining up for in Melbourne. Yum!

Queen Latifah has cake recipes? This one is amazing!!! (thanks, Delany!)

Every Friday, I have cake for lunch. What's your cake tradition?

Does rain affect cake baking? An interesting exploration.

A great skill to have: how to make a purple ombré cake.

I could also do some damage to this peanut butter ombré cake.

Am I the only one who could go for a slice of cupcake cream pie right now?

DIY gremlins. You could use this tutorial to make a fondant Gizmo. Just saying.

Dark chocolate cherry breakfast bread. Since it has fruit, it is a Health Breakfast.

Baileys chocolate cream pie. Intoxicatingly delicious.

The progress on my recipe page continues! Enjoy the index photos, sweeties.

A look at the history of the Heath bar.

Book of the week: Licking the Spoon: A Memoir of Food, Family, and Identity by Candace Walsh. Do you love foodie memoirs as much as me? This one is a beautiful story, full of the effed-up stuff that happens in families, a struggle for identity, and plenty of tasty food. This one is worth a read.


Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Happy 4th of July! We have a couple of links appropriate for the holiday, but they're all awesome.

Hartford election cupcakes: an American classic.

American flag cake: because, well, of course.

If you have any leftover, make a cake shake.

A great collection of food quotes, including one by ME.

How could cherry pie get better? UM, PUT IT IN A CHOCOLATE CRUST.

If this cake doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will. 

Coconut sugar banana pudding popsicles. They sound vaguely healthy but I think I could rally.

Dark chocolate ice cubes. I'm obsessed, you?

Hazelnut poppyseed cookies. Don't they look amazing?

In case you missed it: Candy Warhol, a tutorial on how to make a fine art inspired candy mosaic.

A retired woman bakes a pie a day and gives each to someone. I love this story! 

Everyone wants a unicorn in roller skates on their t-shirt. Here's how to make one yours.

This is not sweet, but it's one of the best savories you'll try this summer. Mexican street style corn!

I adore this homemade ice cream cake

Book of the week: Butter Baked Goods: Nostalgic Recipes From a Little Neighborhood Bakery. Not only is this book pretty as a picture, with a color scheme which will make you ache to wear a party dress and hold a tea party, but it's got a solid collection of classic recipes, including the best homemade marshmallows I've ever tasted and some especially wonderful lemon squares.


Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Well, yes, this peanut butter ombré cake is a thing.

The absolute cutest collection of canine themed cakes.

Tips for creating beautiful painted illustrations.

Chocolate chip cookie milk shooters. YES!

Life doesn't get much better than my mom's Blueberry Pie recipe.

Tips for arranging flowers...on cakes!

OMG alert: salted caramel ding dong cake.

Let's taco about it: An illustrated guide to tacos.

Think ink: an overview of pen and ink illustrations. If you're thinking about getting into pen and ink, this is a very helpful post I wrote!

Edible cupcake wrappers. I'm so down for this.

If you're interested in illustration, you may also have an interest in this post I did about the best types of paper for illustration.

I'm keen to try these Mississippi Mud cookies.

Book of the week: Marshmallow Madness!: Dozens of Puffalicious Recipes. From the puffy cover to the recipes for creative marshmallows (buttered rum, root beer float), I'm in love with this fantastic offering from Shauna Sever via Quirk Books.


Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Inspired by Jameson FinkLattice entertain you: how to make an easy yet impressive lattice crust.

AMAZING: cinnamon rolls stuffed with chocolate chip cookie dough.

FYI: you don't need an ice cream maker to make ice cream at home.

Who says these limes are only for pie? Key lime white chocolate cookies.

Baltimore versus the Big Apple: look to the cookie(s).

Definitely love this: apple pie tacos.

Ever heard of "Trench Cake"? An old timey wartime treat.

Why drink one color of tea when you can have several in one cup? Thai iced tea. 

Seriously love: German chocolate banana bread

Pop-rocks cookies. Perfect for your upcoming 4th of July celebration!

What are cake stamps and impression molds, and how do you make cake decorating magic with them?

Interesting read: what it's like to be the chief baking officer at Magnolia Bakery.

For those who love drawing as well as sweets: Tips for making your pen and ink illustrations super sweet.

Book of the week: The Harvey House Cookbook: Memories of Dining Along the Santa Fe Railroad. Have you ever heard of Harvey Houses? This book details the fascinating story of self-starter Fred Harvey, who literally changed the way the West ate. Many of the recipes from his establishments have remained favorites. This book beautifully melds history with food, which in my opinion is a very winning combination. I can't put it down!


Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Look at this dress my mom made for me based on one of my sketches! OMG! Buy her stuff (illustrations, not fashion design) on Etsy!

Obsessed with this 2-ingredient no-bake cake.

Is Hummingbird the best cake ever? Bake this one, and decide.

Only YOU can prevent dessert desertion

Things that are not dessert

STILL AMAZING: 50 Ways to Kill a Twinkie.

These brownies have beer! And mole! They are officially PARTY brownies! Woot!

A loving look at the hazy history of the Nanaimo bar.

Chocolate chip cookies with avocado. No, really.

If you are what you eat, be magical and sweet. These "magic bars" will help.

Rainbows! Unicorns! Cookies! Madness!

I'm crazy about this pie dress.

I love Federal Donuts, and they are doing some good. Won't you support them?

Curious about what they ate for dessert on the Titanic? Find out here.

Book of the week: CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life. Because I wrote it, and you know what? It holds up. If you don't already own 12 copies, buy it!


Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Those things are not dessert (see above). Now for more links...

Homemade fudgesicles!

Hey! I'm teaching a kids' cooking class in Santa Fe, NM! Read all about it!

Why cupcakes are nutritious. Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist.

Savory, yes, but still totally sweet: tips for making the perfect grilled cheese.

Sweet tips for making birthday cakes for kids. (I would accept any of these cakes, too)

Pretty sure Elvis would approve: Banana meringue pudding.

Secrets: celebrity baker tips for making perfect "surprise inside" cakes

When is the last time you made shortbread?

Fascinating food pairing: chili and cinnamon rolls. What do you think?

Yes, apparently it is a thing in the plains states. Who would have thought? Chili and cinnamon rolls??

Speaking of odd: wild rice dessert topping.

Lovelovelovelovelove: Donut doubles.

Make cake, in a mug, in the microwave. Cake science!

Book of the week: American Home Cooking: Over 300 Spirited Recipes Celebrating Our Rich Tradition of Home Cooking. I. Love. This. Book. I was just lucky enough to meet one of the authors, and it reminded me of how much I love this book. It profiles different dishes from all around the USA, including a ton of fascinating and tasty dessert recipes with great backstories. Because you know what I always say: it tastes better with a backstory!


Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Butter ice cream

In case you missed it: ice cream made with butter instead of cream.

Update: I am revising my recipe page to include index pictures. Isn't it looking good so far?

Burmese semolina cake! Reminds me of the Basbousa we sold at the restaurant I worked at in college.

According to Time Out London, old fashioned desserts are big (again).

How to stamp designs on cookies! Cool!

What is cream of tartar and what does it do?


My hipster unicorns are news! Thank you, Albuquerque Journal, for recognizing my genius.

Instagram sensation "You Did Not Eat That". How do you feel about this, readers?

"Eating dessert does not mean you have less self-control." Great blog post.

Sweet sleuthing into the history of Brownstone Front Cake.

Sweet tips for making "surprise inside" cakes!

Today is National Mint Julep Day. Enjoy it by making mint julep mousse, ok?

Book of the week: The Tastemakers: Why We're Crazy for Cupcakes but Fed Up with Fondue by David Sax. Do you think we just wake up craving chia seeds or pomegranate juice one day? Well, you're wrong. Food trends are complex and interesting beasts. David Sax takes a fascinating tour of food trends, from cupcakes to bacon and even delves into what happens when a food trend dies--fondue, anyone?--in this engaging book. Plus, my friend Java Cupcake is mentioned!


Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Good idea for Memorial day: American flag cake

These flag cookies are also adorable and don't look too difficult to make.

SO proud of my friend Molly for opening her own bakery!

I want to taste this: Chicha morada.

Interesting statistic from this article: 74% of Americans say that chocolate tastes better with almonds.

Seeking sweetness: eating disorders and food blogs, a true story.

I'm just impressed that there is a gourmet popsicle company in New Jersey. 

Stuff your mouth with one of these: caramel brownie bites.

I know that this triple chocolate mousse cake would make my life better.

Ever tried gooseberry pie?

Most interesting business I've come across in some time: Cozymeal. Like AirBNB, but with food!

Happy food: sprinkle cakewiches!

Not cake, still totally sweet: how to make Indonesian noodles. Mie goreng rules!

Book of the week: Brooks Headley's Fancy Desserts: The Recipes of Del Posto’s James Beard Award–Winning Pastry Chef. What happens when a punk rock drummer becomes a pastry chef? Deliciousness and James Beard awards ensue. A fun and fancy yet refreshingly non-fussy dessert book with a punk rock attitude. Love it.

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