Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!
Friday, August 1, 2014
Cakespy in links, links

Oreos smiling

Salt and pepper cookies: sort of like fancied up homemade oreos.

I tried to make a dull subject (perspective in art) exciting and cute. Did I succeed?

Donut doubt my devotion to these holey treats.

I'm in Puerto Rico right now, so I'm enjoying these plantain recipes in their natural element.

Although this is from 2008, this is an interesting piece on the phenomenon of shrinking ice cream cartons in stores.

I was expecting more from this collection of houses that look like cakes, but I like the idea.

I also like these cakes inspired by real buildings!

In case you missed it: a fun donut activity to distract you from work.

Add some color to your life with this exploration of ways to color in your illustrations, written by *me*.

Individual apple crisp recipe. You know what that means: it's all for you.

If you need a little Christmas, right this very minute...snowballs are tasty any time of year.

Peanut dacquoise with peanut butter mousse and glaze? I am so down with this.

Post of the week: 10 Commandments of Guilty Pleasure Desserts.

How to make buttercream even better. Yes, it's possible!

How to make cake in a mug in the microwave.

Book of the week: Peeps: Recipes and Crafts to Make with Your Favorite Marshmallow Treat. I mean, I'm just happy that the book exists, but all the better that it has adorable crafts that expand your peeps artistry beyond torturing the things in the microwave. Peeps sushi, anyone?

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
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