Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!
Friday, July 18, 2014
Cakespy in links, links

Perfect peach pie. Plain and simple.

Chocolate zucchini snack cake. Trust me, it's not health food.

Better together (and wrapped in pie crust): Peanut butter cup pocket pies.

Awesomely whimsical wonky cakes.

Ever heard of Humpty Dumpty's Off the Wall Toast? AKA egg in hole toast or a zillion other names. Always tasty.

Want to know my thoughts about the best paper for illustration? Look here.

A forever favorite that always disappears quickly after baking: Houdini bars.

Look at this cute cartoon. It involves ice cream.

Cornmeal blueberry bar cookies. Because both corn and blueberries are so good in the summer where I'm from (NJ).

I love the trivia section of the Ice Cream Sundae site.

I'm OK with bringing a bit of fall into a summer treat: pumpkin cheesecake popsicles.

A fun interview with...well, me!

Cool kitchen gadget alert: Baking Steel. I wonder what sweet treats you could make with it?

Just saying: lots of stuff on sale on the CakeSpy online shop.

Book of the week: The Wizard of Oz Cookbook: Breakfast in Kansas, Dessert in Oz. Primarily because, well, it exists, but also because it has kitschy recipes and movie trivia.

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
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