Cadbury Creme Salade Nicoise

Right here, right now, I'd like to give you permission to Cadbury Creme-ify your salad.
Easter is coming, and Spring makes everyone excited about fresh produce. Well, you can share your excitement about vegetables, while not actually consuming any, with this totally sweet salad. Green tinted coconut acts as a bed upon which "tomatoes" of red candy, "olives" of black jelly beans, and a drizzle of chocolate as "vinaigrette". Since the signature aspect of the Niçoise salad is hard boiled egg, this indulgent version is topped with slivers of Cadbury Creme Egg.
If anyone asks why it doesn't have tuna, well, I don't really like it on salad, so there you go.
Just don't eat too much, because you don't want to ruin your appetite for dessert!
Here's how you do it.
Cadbury Creme Salade Niçoise
Makes 1
- Approximately 1/2 cup coconut, tinted green (I used wide flakes)
- 3-4 red hard candies
- 6-8 black jelly beans
- One Cadbury Creme Egg
- Melted chocolate, for drizzling
- Place the Creme Egg in the fridge for about 15 minutes. This will firm it up for when you cut it.
- Meanwhile, place the green tinted coconut on an appropriately sized plate.
- Place the red candies and jelly beans in regular intervals over the top of the "lettuce".
- Once the Creme Egg has chilled, slice it into 4-5 coins and place them on the salad.
- Drizzle with melted chocolate, and serve.

If you enjoyed this, you may also enjoy my tutorial on how to make a candy salad.
Happy Easter!