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Sweet Fancy: Salted Chocolate Caramel Tarts Recipe

Salty caramel tarts

CakeSpy Note: this is a guest post from Adventure Food Love.

A long time ago before I was born, there was a lady down the the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand who had some of the best recipes around the country. But because she was a caterer she wouldn’t share them with any one. Until one day a pretty blonde american came to visit.

The pretty blond managed to charm her way into the ‘inner circle’ and because she lived across the other side of the world, the recipes she wanted were hers! YES! The other ladies were not happy, but the pretty yank would not give up the secrets she was in trusted with.

That pretty blond yank is my mother and the New Zealand caterer’s name is Paula. I'm not sure if she is still around today, but if she is I tip my hat…this recipe is good. Tweaked a little but really dang good.

Salted Chocolate Caramel Tarts Recipe


Shortbread base-bake then cool


Oven 300 F pan:9x13in buttered or 4 mini muffin tins, buttered
Sift together
10 ounces flour
4 ounces caster sugar (super fine sugar. but regular granulated will work in a pinch)
pinch X 2 salt
rub in 8 ounces butter
dough should resemble fine bread crumbs.
knead into a ball and press into evenly into the pan
bake about 25 minutes (for 9x 13) or 15-20 (for mini muffin tin) until very lightly brown
cool in the pan before adding the caramel


Part 2- Filling


slowly heat in a pan to disolve the sugar
8 ounces butter
4 level Tablespoons golden syrup (honey will work in a pinch)
8 ounces brown sugar
1 tin sweetened condensed milk
stir to disolve the sugar on a low heat, then bring to a boil and stir constantly while on a low boil for 7 minutes. Remove from heat, add 1/2 teasoon of vanilla and beat mixture well. Pour over the cooled base…leave to set before coating with melted chocolate. This takes some time.




8-12 ounces of good quality chocolate melted. Spread on top, and leave to set. While still somewhat wet sprinkle lightly with some fancy salt for that lovely salted caramel chocolate perfectness. If you put the salt on too soon it will disolve… it will still taste good, but there will be no visual. Cut through chocolate before it is set to avoid cracking. Cut into small squares.  To remove from the muffin tins, run a knife around the edges and pop out.


Salted caramel tarts

Try not to eat 8 at once! PS - Thanks to Paula and Katie for sharing!


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Reader Comments (1)

Im so glad you posted this:) these are fantastic!
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