Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links

Source: via Cake on Pinterest
You are face-meltingly awesome.
Yum: an ice cream cupcake contest.
Pop! Goes the culture. In cake form.
Butterscotch pecan cookies...yes, you know you want this business.
Bakery I wanna visit: Lucky's.
Kind of fascinated by...Cakevase!
Love this kind of thing: Milwaukee Bakery Memories!
Freaking out about the adorableness of these mini funnel cakes.
That reminds me of the time my friend Sandy took me to all these bakeries in Milwaukee.
Milky Ways not welcome: NASA had a bake sale put on by scientists!
Bakery I wanna visit: Brown Betty Dessert Boutique.
No-bake strawberry icebox cake.
An apple a awesomer when stuffed with ice cream.
Don't forget: buy my book!