Crammed with Graham: Golden Grahams Cookies

Oh, I'm sorry. Are you still eating your cereal with a spoon, in a bowl, like a jerk?
Well, it's time to turn it around--instead of pouring milk on your cereal, you should be dunking it in milk--in cookie form, obvi.
When I came across the recipe for Trix Cookies in Betty Crocker's Cooky Book
, I was curious to see how it might work out with other cereals --starting with what I happened to have on hand, Golden Grahams (a cereal which, as I recently learned, is associated with a grant). Turns out, it works just fine, yielding a lightly crisp, spicy cookie which gets a chewiness from the oats. A cookie that combines some of the finest breakfast carbo-loading in one compact cookie form? Count me in.
Here's the recipe.
Golden Grahams Cookies
Makes many cookies
- 3/4 cup butter
- 1 1/2 cups sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp almond extract
- 1/4 cup water
- 1 1/2 cups flour
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup rolled oats
- 4 cups Golden Grahams
- Heat oven to 350 (original recipe called for 375, but I found 350 with a slower bake made for softer cookies).
- Mix butter, sugar, egg, almond extract, and water well.
- Blend flour, soda and salt; mix in to the butter-sugar mixture gradually.
- Mix in rolled oats and cereal.
- Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto a parchment-lined baking sheet, making sure to leave about an inch and a half around each cookie. Bake 12-14 minutes or until lightly brown around the edges.
Reader Comments (14)
Oh, man. LOLing at work.
I lol'd.
and these look simply scrumptious. :)
I have to have this....and I LOVE your little m=comments on your pictures. I am CRACKING
Yum. I wonder how these would be with Cap'n Crunch or Cinammon Toast Crunch. They are my favorite junky cereals.
Is obvi the new evs? :)
Looks Yummy! Is the cereal finely crushed or broken up for this recipe? Thanks!
Who knew snarky cereal was so appealing? Ha! Glad you all enjoyed it!
Julie: Bet they'd work fine--after all I used a different cereal than the original recipe called for too! And evs, obvi. (whaaa?)
Angie: It isn't broken up at all--while mixing it into the batter you'll probably break it up a little bit, but overall it's pretty much kept in its cereal form. :-)
wha?! Aww, if only I had stumbled onto this recipie just finve minutes earlier...I just polished off a heaping bowl full of golden grahams!
Also, the animated stories at the golden graham grant site are hilarious!
Lol such cute and interesting it...crispy and sweet...I wanna bite it now!!
OMG, Golden Grahams are one of the best cereals ever!!!!!
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I made these and they turned out great! the only problem i found was that the cereal ended up soggy (i made sure it was the last ingredient i added), how can i prevent this for next time?
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