Hot (Cross) Buns at Essential Baking Company, Seattle

Want some hot buns?
Well, if you're in Seattle, you're in luck, because Essential Baking Co. has got hot buns--hot cross buns, that is--aplenty. Per an update from EBC:
Easter is this weekend and Hot Cross Buns are a traditional English Easter food historically enjoyed on Good Friday. The Essential Baking Company's legendary, slightly sweet version features a rich, velvety crumb, currants and the trademark glaze topping. Hot Cross Buns are perfect warmed and served with breakfast, brunch or afternoon tea.
EBC's legendary Hot Cross Buns will be available at select grocery stores in the greater Seattle area and The Essential Bakery Cafés in Wallingford (1604 North 34th Street - 206-545-0444) and Madison (2719 East Madison -206-328-0078) now through June 15.
For more information on how you can get your hot (cross!) buns for Easter, visit

Reader Comments (4)
Unfortunately the icing crosses on the Essential buns are not very traditional. You can't toast buns with icing on them and make them hot!
The best ones I've found in Seattle come from Alki Bakery which have the piped pastry crosses on them, which means they can be served slightly toasted and oozing with butter. Or else you can always make them yourself...
Yours Britishly :)
Paola: Brits always win!! I have to try yours. Like, now!!
ive been looking for a good recipe for this
Thank you
Kelly :)
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