Gingerbread Mad Men: A Recipe for Serious Eats

They say you have to learn the rules before you break them. But is it ever possible to break them just a little bit while you learn them? Case in point: gingerbread men.
I haven't made enough of them to feel comfortable messing with the classic recipe but wanted to have a little fun with this batch nonetheless. The solution? Using a classic recipe—in this case, from Betty Crocker's Cooky Book—but decorating them as Gingerbread Mad Men, inspired by the characters in the AMC series.
Note: I am pretty much obsessed with Mad Men (I blame my friend Julie). I only discovered it about a month ago and actually am not caught up to the end of Season 3 yet, so please, no spoilers!
You can check out the full entry -- plus the recipe I used -- on Serious Eats!

Reader Comments (9)
LOVE, love, LOVE Mad Men! My honey got me hooked--oh, you're gonna love season 3! And that Joan cookie is priceless ;)
the cookie is so cute, the children might as well love it...
LOL, I haven't seen that show...but your cookies are fabu!
I will gladly take the blame. I will also take any leftover cookies. :)
Cuppie *hearts* MadMen??!?! Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.
If it's good enough for Cuppie, then maybe I should tune in and check it out.
Joan's hair is so great!!
I love that they are smoking and drinking, as in every scene of the show!
LOVE THESE! And I LOVE Mad Men! You have inspired me! I want to make MM cookies for Christmas too! I don't know how many of the 3 seasons you've seen so far, but I guarantee that all three finales so far will Blow. You. Away. Enjoy! Thanks for this great post, I found you through "Basket Of Kisses", a the ultimate MM site, but you better watch all three seasons before you go there.-Therese