Sweetest Day Ever: 50 Awesome Moments at CupcakeCamp Seattle

So, last week was CupcakeCamp Seattle, sponsored by Bella Cupcake Couture. As you may know, I was lucky enough to be the one who did the artwork for the poster and branding of the festival--but what you may not know is that I was even double-triple-fourteen times luckier, because in addition to participating artistically, I was also a VIP attendee--one of the judges, along with serious celebrities as Kelley Moore, Melody Biringer of Crave, Keren Brown, Jackie of CakeCentral (!!!), and more!
So. To try and narrow it down to 10, a Baker's Dozen, or even 25 awesome moments would be pretty much impossible, so instead I'm opting to share 50 awesome moments (in no particular order) from CupcakeCamp Seattle. It was a packed event and they ran out of cupcakes, so some people unfortunately were turned away--but I'm sure that next year it will be even bigger and better.
- My artwork on the signpost outside. The first thing I saw made me feel like a serious VIP!
- Salted caramel cupcakes from Cupcake Royale. This is one of the most famous cupcakes I know, and it Lives. Up. To. The. Hype.
- The "Little Miss Tipsy" Cupcake by New York Cupcakes. Limoncello and Raspberry Vodka Cupcakes. Dude, I feel a (sugar) buzz just looking at them.
- This beautiful spread from Bella Bella Cupcakes (top picture).
- Strawberry Pop Rocks Cupcakes! These were a winner in the Amateur Baker category, for most unique ingredient. They tasted delicious (but I already knew that Pop Rocks are a great ingredient in baked goods!)
- Brown butter bliss cupcakes - with homemade marshmallows. Yes!
- The cupcake-eating contest.
- The fact that the winner of the cupcake eating contest was wearing a necklace comprised of a doughnut on chain links.
- Root beer float cupcakes.
- The crowd. Now, I know that people who didn't get in were pissed off, but it seriously made me so happy to see so many people excited about cake.
- I got to meet Lyndsey of Kitchen DoughDough!
- Pear Cupcakes. They sparkled, both figuratively and literally. Once again by Bella Bella!
- The "Unhappy Hipster" cupcake by Rocket Queen Cupcakes. This is funny.
- This spread by Tacoma's Celebrity Cake Studio.
- My fellow judge Melody (oh, you may know her as the famous founder of Crave). Can't you tell how happy she is?
- Vegan cupcakes that looked like starbucks mochas! Aww! By the Cake Diva (read more here).
- Biting into said vegan cupcakes and finding even more awesome inside.
- And on the flipside: So. Many. Bacon. Cupcakes.
- Java Cupcake's "Tree Hugger Apple" cupcakes--like snickerdoodle met apple cinnamon, with cinnamon buttercream and caramel. Om nom nom.
- Seeing how enthusiastic all of the eaters were (look at those full plates!)
- Tiger tails from Trophy Cupcakes!
- A beautiful array from Wink Cupcakes.
- The "Sustainable Granola" cupcake masterpiece by Bella Bella Cupcakes--a Seattle-themed composition featuring fondant sandals with socks!
- The "Velvet Elvis", probably one of the more delicious bacon entries--banana cake, chocolate chips, and peanut butter frosting with bacon. Yes.
- Discovering Immortal Bakery (not to be confused with Immortal Dog Pet Supply and Bakery), who brought several delicious cupcake variations including banana with honey and cinnamon, marionberry, and maple bacon!
- These cupcakes, made by a 7 year old. I definitely was not this capable at age 7. I am probably not now either!
- Running into Natalie, who has done guest posts on CakeSpy!
- The "Baklava Honey Bees" Cupcake --it was all nestled in phyllo dough! Yeah!
- Parsnip cake? It's been done before, sure, but I'd never tasted it. It was better than a lot of other vegetable cakes I've tried. By Heidi Phillips.
- Several creative entries from Spitfire Grill--of all things, a Belltown sports bar. Their pastry chef, Kimm Moore, deserves kudos for her creativity: the "Kimm-chi" cupcake, made of carrot, zucchini and kimchi with ginger frosting; the "Mocha Me Up" with hazelnut biscotti on top of a mocha ganache centered cupcake, and more!
- War of Pigs, a bacon-themed cupcake from Rocket Queen Cupcakes.
- Seeing my artwork on the judge name tags.
- Being able to wear a judge name tag and act like I was going backstage like in Wayne's World at all times.
- The Organic Washington Caramel Apple cupcake by The Radical Cupcake.
- The "Uptight Seattleite" cupcake--a work of art!
- A cupcake with ferry on top by Captivating Creations--adorable!
- Whoopie Pie Cupcakes by Audrey of Babeland!
- My fellow judge Keren Brown, who not only is probably the coolest mom in the world and the organizer of FoodPortunity, but has a sparkling wit and can eat a cupcake like nobody's business.
- This cupcake was made by a 10 year old. 10!
- Chocolate stout cupcakes which were amazingly decadent. I wish I remembered who made them!
- My fellow judge Jackie of Cake Central, who #1 is like a cake celebrity but #2 didn't bat an eyelash when I asked a question that most would find ridiculous: "So what is exciting in the world of cake decorating these days?"
- A "heart happy" carrot cake made with cranberry walnut carrot cake with avocado frosting--it did not taste like deprivation at all. It was awesome!
- ...and on the opposite end of the spectrum, the "Heart Attack" cupcake, comprised of chocolate chipotle cupcakes with dark chili ganache and lime cream cheese frosting. Made by Michelle Morris of the Hope Heart Institute.
- Cake pops (including this adorable cake slice cake pop!) by Confection Concoctions, my new hero!
- My fellow judge Kelley Moore, who is kind of a big deal. And completely awesome and funny and cool!
- I don't know if you can see this, but another of the entrants in the cupcake eating contest was wearing a t-shirt with a unicorn which is pooping cupcakes. This made me so happy.
- Cupcake shooters!
- It being my job to eat these.
- Chocolate milk to go along with my cupcakes.
- The utterly amazing organizer, Carrie Middlemiss, who is not only the owner of Bella Cupcake Couture, a CakeSpy sponsor, and unbelievable multitasker, but generally an awesome person too. Read all about her thoughts on CupcakeCamp Seattle on her blog!