Happy Trails: Meet The ReTrailer

I'd like to introduce you to The ReTrailer, the cutest little tea and spice store this side of the Mississippi. It's a mobile retail operation run by someone I am proud to call a friend, Lisa Govro.
As you can see, Lisa is just as cute as me. Here we are together. Hottt, right?
We became friends during the time in which we both lived in Seattle. Now, Lisa lives in St. Louis, MO; while I miss her, I am so happy for her and her new business.
Here's the 411 behind this adorable store on wheels, according to Lisa:
All tea and spice products are inspired by Ayurevda (a really old lifestyle largely considered the sister science to yoga) and developed with optimal digestion and balance in mind. If I only had 3 words to describe our teas and spices they would be: organic, sustainable, and love. Our signature items are:
Farm Fresh Turmeric Tea – fresh, organic turmeric sourced direct form Hana Holistic Farms in Hawaii, grated and brewed with ginger, black pepper, tulsi and sweetened with local honey.
Ball of Energy – raw cacao, tulsi, sesame and almond smashed together with local honey. Makes for the yummiest mint chocolate treat your inner hippy could ever imagine.
Drop it Like It’s Hot Hibiscus Tea – hibiscus, yerba mate and orange peel. So named for Hibiscus’ known effects in helping control body temperature – particularly in hot weather.
I also asked Lisa an important question: if a magical unicorn appeared and was going to grant you one wish for your business, what would it be? She said:
I am such a daydreamer that while I was dreaming up this business idea it never occurred to me that I would have to tow the damn thing until the moment I got er’ hitched up. I had to drive all the way from Kansas City to St. Louis with the poor girl. I went 40 mph the entire time – it took me 6 hours! (it is typically a 3 hour drive). If a magical unicorn could grant the ReTrailer one wish it would be that the trailer could hitch and tow itself. That shit is unbelievably stressful.
p.s. On opening day I wore my unicorn belt- so this question seems appropriate for a few reasons.
To keep up with the ReTrailer, visit their website; also keep updated via their facebook site!

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