Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links

Source: via Cake on Pinterest
Isn't this just the prettiest cake you've ever seen?
Holy Cow Cake: kind of trashy, but in a "I'm gonna finish the entire thing" sort of way.
Sweet and lovely cookies I wanna eat.
Bakery I wanna visit: Prairie Girl Bakery, Toronto.
Sweet: looks like a customer I did a painting for likes it!
An oldie but goodie: sweet sandwiches!
How to make a magical unicorn cupcake topper. With video!
Strawberry shortcake cupcakes. Yes, yes, yes!
Yum: chocolate chip cookie dough scones!
A delicious look at the history of the eclair.
I'm rather fond of these doughnut ice cream sandwiches.
Another bakery I wanna visit: Marcolini! In Brazil! (thanks for the suggestion Isabella!)
Inspiring: how the founder of Tate's Bake Shop lost it all and then bounced back. (thanks Kristin for the lead)

Reader Comments (4)
Favourite: Chocolate Peanut Butter on chocolate cake, and the Treat of the Week Peanut Butter and Jelly
Visit them when you are out in this neck of the woods :)
There's also Sweet Flour Bakery in Bloor West Village - It's make and bake your own cookies and muffin tops! :D