Sweet Discovery: Cake Magic by Kate Shirazi

Recently, I was sent a review copy of a book called Cake Magic by Kate Shirazi. And after careful review, I have decided that even if it hadn't been sent to me for free, I'd probably buy this book. And I would recommend it to friends, too.
Now, I don't want to be bossy about it. But I know that you're not going to really read the reasons (the creative projects, the fun lore and stories in the headnotes, the user-friendly format), so I'm just going to go right to showing you five things that intrigued me right away in the book.
First off: English Madeleines? What? I've never heard of such of a thing. But gosh, now I want to get to know them better.
Second: Little tarts featured with a photo of little dollhouse people. I don't even care what flavor they are, I want one! Cute.
Third: Teacakes that look like some sort of tricked-out Mallomar. I vote yes on this.
Fourth: The snuggle loaf. I have had the urge to snuggle with carbohydrates before, and I consider this permission to act on this urge.
Fifth: The Fancy Pants cheesecake. Eat it with your pinkies out, yo!
Ready to buy? Thought so. Find it here: Cake Magic.

Reader Comments (4)
I'm in love with the Fancy Pants Cheesecake and would welcome the chance to replicate at home and showcase it on my blog. Do you think you could send me a list of the ingredients? I don't need directions just the ingredients. I don't want to bother you so if you can't I understand. And yes, I do give credit, so If I were to replicate the recipe I would give credit to the book's writer. Thank you very much, Jackie Hale
Thanks anyway and btw...great blog.