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Gimme S'more: S'more Pop-Tart S'mores Recipe

I'm just going to come out and say it: I am no stranger to S'more brilliance. After all, I am the inventor of the mystical and magical S'moreo (S'mores made using oreos).

And I do own this t-shirt (thanks Nicole):

But if you're seeking extreme S'more Flavor Overload, have I ever got a new sweet treat for you: S'more Pop-Tart S'mores. If you suspect that this masterpiece is comprised of s'mores made using S'more Pop-Tarts instead of graham crackers, you suspect correctly.

If your impulse is to protest "too much!", I must gently correct you: "just enough". The usual S'more is bookended by even more S'more, in this case deliciously gooey Pop-Tart form. Really, what you've got is cold, hard (or is that soft, gooey?) proof that if some is good, s'more is better.

S'more Pop-Tart S'mores

Makes one (easily duplicated)


  • 1 S'mores Pop-Tart, lightly toasted (not all the way toasted; it will finish toasting with the rest of the ingredients) and sliced in half
  • 1 or 2 jumbo marshmallows
  • 6 squares from a Hershey's Chocolate bar
  • 1 square, about 4 by 4 inches, of aluminum foil 


  1. Place one side of the pop-tart, frosted side down, on the foil. 
  2. Lay the chocolate squares on top, and then the marshmallows (or single marshmallow, torn in half) on top of the chocolate. Add the second half of the Pop-Tart on top, frosted side up.
  3. Place in the toaster oven over medium heat for 1-3 minutes, until the edges of the pop-tart and marshmallows are are browned and the chocolate is looking melty on the sides. Remove carefully.

This can also be done in the microwave (don't use the foil!); place the ingredients on a microwave-safe plate and microwave on high for 15 seconds.


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Reader Comments (8)

Mmm, looks tasty! Another twist I've tried is smores with 2 Nature Valley dark chocolate granola thins, they give a nice, even coating of chocolate to the marshmallow on both sides!
August 2 | Unregistered CommenterChristina
"S'more is bookended by even more S'more" !!! oh, yeah!
August 3 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
Smores are also great using soft baked chocolate chocolate chunk cookies with peanut butter spread before you put the chocolate and marshmallow on. OMG Yum!
August 3 | Unregistered CommenterJen Walter
I thought <i>I</i> was a genius when I made S'mores with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Clearly I'm the amateur here and you're the professional.
That looks SOOOOOOO good!! I'm going to go get me some poptarts so I can make them! Thanks!! :)
Wow, you've officially made s'mores EPIC.
ohhhh my sweet chocolatey lovin's..... i know what i'm getting on my weekly trip to the grocery.
Get thee to a confectionary!
August 4 | Unregistered CommenterKristen
not sure why ive never thought of this! that looks like the best thing EVER
March 9 | Unregistered Commenteranickh

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