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Whole Hog: Groundhog Day Cake for Serious Eats

My family has an unusual tradition: we celebrate Groundhog Day. In a completely non-ironic way. And to herald the occasion, there is always a cake-homage to the skittish little critter.

Why? Well, my dad is a surfer, and he carefully follows Punxsutawney Phil's yearly emergence. If he does not see his shadow, it means spring is coming, and thus surf season will come sooner. And also because, well, cake is very delicious.

Of course, no matter whether you're in a rush for spring to come, it's a pretty sure thing that this Groundhog-themed cake will brighten your day—and the remaining crumbs will cast minimal shadows.

For the full entry and recipe, visit Serious Eats!

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Reader Comments (3)

Cute! That's such a good idea. I should celebrate with something groundhog as well since my birthday is on the same day!
January 31 | Unregistered CommenterCupcake Kelyl
Oh my. He's pretty stinkin adorable! I love his big ole whiskers! :)
January 31 | Unregistered CommenterDarla @ Bakingdom
This is definitely the CUTEST cake I've ever seen!!!
January 31 | Unregistered CommenterDeanna

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