CLOSED: Sweet Giveaway: Win a $100 Gift Card For CSN Stores!

We have Corelle to thank for this giveaway, friends.
Yup--you saw that dishware text link. For that, CSN Stores has kindly offered something that is of much interest to cake lovers and bakers: a $100 gift card good to be redeemed at any of their online stores! After reviewing the products available at their website, I find it worth the link, as all sorts of products of interest to bakers and baked-good enthusiasts are available there, including cake pans, cake plates, pastry molds, and my favorite Emile Henry Pie plates!
Want to be entered in the running? OK! Here's what you do: simply leave a comment on this post stating your opinion on this important baked-good subject: if you had to choose your "last meal" dessert, what would it be?
Chocolate cream pie? A banana split? Pop-tart ice cream sandwiches? An entire birthday cake? Inquiring minds need to know! This giveaway will close and a winner will be announced at 12 p.m. PST next Friday, August 6. Entrants only in the US and Canada this time, please!
The randomly chosen winner is MEG, who says that "My last meal dessert would have to be the biggest peanut butter cup in the world." Well chosen, Meg! Congratulations!

Reader Comments (477)
hands down, tiramisu.
Chocolate cake and a glass of milk. It's my choice for last dessert, last midnight snack, last breakfast, last anything!
Even though I am the site owner and can't win, I do want to weigh in. Mine would totally be THIS CRUMB CAKE:
A perfect little flan!
Wow, that's a hard question. Definitely chocolate. Might keep it simple and have homemade brownies covered in dark chocolate ganache. And they'd need to be cold.
A perfect little flan!
I would have to say rice pudding - My mother makes the best, but I love diner rice pudding , so comforting with cinnamon sprinkled on top!
Chocolate creme brulee. Or a smores cupcake :)
perfect little flan!
My last dessert would have to be a pavlova with tons of raspberries and blueberries!
Lemon Meringue Pie. If only I could have my Grandma make the pastry. The perfect combination of sweet and tart. The vivid lemon pudding that leaves a proper pucker and the cloud-like sweetness of a toasty meringue. Perfection.
Creme brûlée with fresh fruit!
Tiramisu. Definitely.
I am torn between a caramel brownie with chocolate frosting or creme caramel. The caramel theme is in both of them.
any dessert shared with @licorous!
Brownies left out to stale overnight uncovered and then topped with coffee ice cream and every topping humanly possible including stale circus peanuts.
My mom makes a buttermilk fudge cake that I haven't had in far too long. I would choose that, fresh from the oven with caramel vanilla ice cream! I'm not planning a last dessert any time soon, but I need to get that recipe from her!
A HUGE slice of tirimisu...mmm
My last dessert meal would be, hmmmm. So hard to choose! Anything chocolate, perhaps chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream:)
My last one would be my grandmother's sticky lemon cake or creme brulee! Can't beat them either way.
Definitely cheesecake. It might be too rich for some normal days, but for a last meal? Definitely.
It's a toss up of my gramma's Lemon Coconut White cake or Hershey's Deep Dark Chocolate cake with buttercream frosting and vanilla bean ice cream.
It's so hard to choose! I'd love to eat every single desert!
However, if it's just one last desert, I'd LOVE to have the molten chocolate torte with vanilla creme sauce and strawberries (like the kind at Olive Garden)
A rich, decadent, caramel chocolate cheesecake. With an oreo cookie base.
A slice of coconut cream cake, scoop of cherry garcia ice cream, and a chocolate covered strawberry. NOM!