Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links

OMG! Baked Alaska Cookies! Photo credit: King Arthur FlourTotally Sweet! Learn more about the brains behind CakeSpy (um, that would be me) via this interview about my art and work.
Don't waffle..Make waffle cones! At home! Stef tells us how.
Baked Alaska Cookies! I'll repeat it: BAKED! ALASKA! COOKIES! Via King Arthur Flour.
In San Francisco, Black Jet Baking Company makes homemade pop-tarts. (via DailyCandy)
Tis the Season...for Mad Men! The weather's hot, but everyone loves Gingerbread Mad Men (or Mad Men cupcakes!)
Eat Your Veggies: It's a pleasure, when they're delivered in Zucchini Pecan Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting form.
San Francisco Treats: A list of 50 treats in SF to try before you die (or, "A To Do List").
Cute (and free!) PDF pattern for a cupcake pillow!
Chocolate Heaven: A cool video about Brooklyn's Mast Brothers Chocolate.
KakeLove: Learn some new facts about TastyKake here.
Pretty in Pink: cupcakes that look like sweet, sugary perfection.
Whoopie! Did you know that in NYC, there is a place called Flex Mussels that makes a Deep Fried Whoopie Pie? (who has tried it?)
Oh, Joy: A Sweet roundup of Joy the Baker's visit to Seattle (including her visit to CakeSpy Shop!)

Reader Comments (8)
Every time I click the link for your interview, it tells me "Sorry, the page you were looking for in the blog Margie Moore Illustration does not exist."
For anyone looking to read the interview (if you get the error like I did), click on "Margie Moore Illustration" in the error. Jessie's interview is on the front page.
Cate: thanks for pointing that out! I believe I have remedied it!
I was also in Paris and ate cake like this...only a good professional can do this
Holy Moly Jessie!!! Thank you so much for featuring me, with a title dubbed pretty in pink no less. Such an honor. Hope you had a lovely weekend. xx
Thank you for a set of useful links. I have also found some wonderful dessert recipes through this free file search engine
Kindest regards and looking forward to more interesting recipes from you :)
YES the whoopie pie at Flex is phenom!! It was suuuuuuper chocolate-y and had a nice crunchy coating. WARNING: This dessert was way to good to share. Also could not help but sample their donuts with dipping sauces. Equally delicious.
OH MY GOSH! Thanks so much for featuring the Baked Alaska Cookies here, I'm so thrilled! I come here often for a Cuppie fix, and was totally surprised to see the picture. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for all the inspiration I get from your site.
~ MaryJane @ KIng Arthur Flour