Cake Byte: CupcakeCamp Seattle is Tomorrow!

CakeSpy Note: Just a reminder: CupcakeCamp Seattle is tomorrow! In case you missed the news post about it a while back, here it is again:
Summer camp? Not so much. Bad crafts and bad food = big bummer.
CupcakeCamp, however, is a different story. Because at this camp, everyone's a winner, because they all get cupcakes. It's a franchise which has enjoyed great success in New York and San Francisco, and now, thanks to coordinator Carrie of Bella Cupcake Couture (a CakeSpy sponsor and awesome company in general), it's coming to Seattle!
So what exactly is CupcakeCamp? Per the website, it is
An event for cupcake lovers: Bake or buy cupcakes to bring -or- just come to eat and help a good cause. Activities include cupcake eating contests, cupcake wrapper decorating, bakers competitions, Hope Heart Institute fundraiser and more. Best of all … it’s FREE.
Once again, just in case you didn't catch that last part: it's free!
And, there will be a cupcake eating contest.
Here are the details:
When: Saturday April 10, 2010 11am-2pm
Where: 415 Westlake, Seattle WA
Why: Because who doesn’t love cupcakes?
Oh, and of course, you've got to love the CakeSpy-designed promotional postcard! (pictured top)
For more details and to see how you can become involved, visit the “About” section on theCupcake Camp Seattle website!

Reader Comments (3)
We need cupcake camp in Toronto! Preferably at my house.
Ah! It was so awesome to meet you today Jessie! Cupcake Camp was a BLAST! Hope it becomes an annual event!
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