Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Online Resources

The internet is so totally sweet. After all, it's the source of awesomeness like CakeSpy! But if you're in the mood to learn something sweet (or savory), here's a baker's dozen foodie sites which I keep bookmarked as great resources:
Amazon's Al Dente Blog: A great source for learning about food news, new products, and clever writing by Rebekah Denn, Tracy Schneider, and Leslie Kelly, among others!
BakeSpace: Connect with bakers and find some seriously sweet recipes on this social networking-for-bakers site.
Betty Crocker's Baking Recipes, Tips, and Ideas: A great resource for tips on not only baking but also technique, preparation, and storage.
Cake Central: Cake photos, message boards, decorating tips, giveaways, and more--the website's name really kind of say it all!
Epicurious Food Glossary: I could get lost in this glossary--and have, in fact, on occasion.
Foodista: Like Wikipedia for recipes.
King Arthur Flour Blog: I cannot visit this site without learning something.
Kitchen Monki: A clever cooking (and baking) tool which enables you to export your recipes (and those from other users!) to shopping lists. Sweet!
Modern Baking: This site is dedicated to professional bakers, but I find a lot of the articles and features very interesting!
Rose Levy Beranbaum: Real Baking with Rose features recipes, lore, and great baking info--also some interesting message boards.
Saveur's Baking Techniques: Step by step illustrated guides.
Serious Eats: Yes, I freelance for them. But I'd visit this site like a million times a day even if I didn't--it strikes the perfect mix of funny, newsy bits with serious food info.
What's Cooking America History of Cakes: So much awesome on just one site. I could read about the history of cakes (and all sorts of food) all day on this site, easily.

Reader Comments (3)
That's some super-powered foodie list right there! Thanks so much for the shout out Jessie, love ya! (btw, still working on the blueberry cornmeal bars I made last weekend from your recipe... so good!)
I'm not much of a baker so thanks for sharing this info.
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