Spring in Your Step: Springtime Cutout Sandwich Cookies for Serious Eats

In case you couldn't tell by the proliferance of Cadbury Creme Eggs, Peeps, and pastel-hued jelly beans in grocery stores, Easter is coming.
Now, it's not to say that I don't enjoy these adorable seasonal sweets, but when push comes to shove, I simply prefer baked goods. So, in an effort to get a piece of that pastel-hued cuteness while also enjoying a delicious, buttery, and substantial sugary treat, I've created these Springtime Cutout Sandwich Cookies.
These were made using an adorable Springtime Linzer Cookie kit I found at Cookies, a thimble-sized shop chock full of all manner of cookie cutters in Seattle, but I veered a bit from the traditional Linzer cookie construction. These sweet sandwiches start with a buttery sugar cookie cutout recipe, filled with lemon curd for a sweet and rich zing, and topped with pastel sugar for a sweet springtime palette.

Reader Comments (11)
These are absolutely adorable!
Dear Jess Another Yummy Recipe,
Those look like something my daughter would have fun making with me. She loved those cupcakes I showed you and the whole Easter color palette screams, "little girl". I'll have to get busy and do some fun things with her while the store shelves are laden with inspiring, Easter-ey, glitz.
Ready To Raid The Pantry In NE
UM Adding COOKIES to my to-visit list when I'm in Seattle next week! Yeah! I can say "next week" now!
Yea!! These are as much fun to make as they are to eat-- and Kristin, Cookies is tiny but adorable! You might also like the HOme Cake Decorating Supply store.
Awesome!! Adding that one to my list too! :D Thanks Jessie!
These are adorable!
Those are so cute. is this place downtown? Their website says they have over 1,000 cookie cutters! I think I may just have to drive up to Seattle for a visit.
My girlfriend and I chose your recipe. Wish us luck!
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