Sweet Spot: Dessert Links!

First of all, National Pie Day is coming up--what are your plans? If you're in Seattle, do join us at this grassroots Pie Day Celebration.
Cake Gossip: Little birds have told us that two New York bakeries are planning respective second locations: Billy's Bakery and Pinisi Bakery. Thanks to Steph and Stacie Joy for the tips!
Could North Jersey be the next big bakery hub? We wouldn't mind trying out the chocolate-green tea cookie sandwiches at Cocoa Bakery or the organic sweets at Made With Love.
How do you make the world sweeter with your baking? Enter a contest at Pillsbury's website!
The Batter Blaster horrifies us, but in a kind of "gotta get me one of those" sort of way.
Sweet artwork: we love Jamie Bolker's sweet acrylic paintings.
For the cookie baking (and decorating) novice, Chic Cookie kits are fun and the website is full of inspiring ideas.
Amish Paradise: We love Amish baking, so we were excited to find Amish sweets, cookie mixes and more at Amish Acres.
What is Caramel Cob? They say it's a party in your mouth, and we love that kind of party. Thanks chou for the tip!
Finally, since the Cakespy Headquarters are moving in January, a lot of items in the shop are on sale!

Reader Comments (12)
I wish I had the money to buy something from your shop. :( There's definitely a few items on my wishlist! :)
Good luck with the move! :)
Oh my goodness, that pie day celebration looks AMAZING! Sadly, I am coming to Seattle on the 25th and only for a few hours :( Missing it by *that* much.
Thanks for the cookie sharing! I heart cakespy!!
Ack! I am so excited. I just bought "yes we cake" on your esty site. I can't wait.
Thanks for posting! :)
I must say, the advertising for Batter Blaster is knock out retro, but batter in a can? Hmmmm, I just don't know. ~Kelly
http://www.deniablydomestic.blogspot.com" REL="nofollow">unDeniably Domestic
Where is Cakespy World Domination HQTs moving too? Not out of your fine misty and "needle-y" city?
Mmmm. Pie month.
Liv: Thanks! Moving always kind of sucks but we'll have more space so that is exciting!
Lydia: Oh man! Maybe next year! :-)
Chic Cookies: No, thank YOU--for making the world sweeter and better-looking! :-)
Candymkr: Thank you so much!! Hope you'll enjoy it!
Jamie: No problem! You're great!
Kelly: I know!!! It's strangely fascinating and gross at the same time.
Cookie Jill: Not moving far--just about 3 miles away. :-)
The Batter Blaster isn't so scary in itself. But that jingle may inspire nightmares... Is it just me??
Good luck with the move Jessie! Did you guys manage to buy a house? I hope you get to move for something as exciting as that!
Oh, I'm relieved to know you are moving only 3 miles away. I like the thought of having you near by.
It kills me to admit this but my son whined enough to get me to buy a Batter Blaster. It's not horrible and he was on cloud 9 spraying batter. Thankfully my pride wasn't totally destroyed, the next week he wanted mommy's pancakes instead.
Good luck with the move!