Sweet Spot: Dessert Links!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Cakespy in links

Mini Pies Vs. Cupcakes
First of all, National Pie Day is coming up--what are your plans? If you're in Seattle, do join us at this grassroots Pie Day Celebration.

Cake Gossip: Little birds have told us that two New York bakeries are planning respective second locations: Billy's Bakery and Pinisi Bakery. Thanks to Steph and Stacie Joy for the tips!

Could North Jersey be the next big bakery hub? We wouldn't mind trying out the chocolate-green tea cookie sandwiches at Cocoa Bakery or the organic sweets at Made With Love.

A bit further down the shore, the Macaroon Shop has a new website too!


How do you make the world sweeter with your baking? Enter a contest at Pillsbury's website!

The Batter Blaster horrifies us, but in a kind of "gotta get me one of those" sort of way.

Sweet artwork: we love Jamie Bolker's sweet acrylic paintings.

For the cookie baking (and decorating) novice, Chic Cookie kits are fun and the website is full of inspiring ideas.

Amish Paradise: We love Amish baking, so we were excited to find Amish sweets, cookie mixes and more at Amish Acres.

What is Caramel Cob? They say it's a party in your mouth, and we love that kind of party. Thanks chou for the tip!

Finally, since the Cakespy Headquarters are moving in January, a lot of items in the shop are on sale!


Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (http://cakespy.squarespace.com/).
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