What is a black and white cookie? Well, if you live in the metro New York region, it's part of everyday life: a
cakey cookie iced with half-chocolate, half-vanilla fondant icing that is available at almost every bakery and deli. But in other areas of the country, many people have been walking around, living their lives, perhaps not even knowing what black and white cookies even are. Or, even worse, they'll mistakenly think that examples like the below are black and white cookies:
Although they are certainly delicious, cookies that are dipped, dolloped or contain white and dark chocolate chips are simply
not black and white cookies.
Luckily, although black and whites aren't readily available at bakeries outside of the New York region, you need not panic or stoop to the level of buying
pre-packaged grocery store hybrids (in our opinion, usually a sorry excuse for black and white cookies, with icing that flakes off disappointingly). While there are several places to buy online, here are
Cakespy's personal picks:
Bing's Bakery: Although on the outskirts of true black and white cookie country, these are the real deal, with soft, chewy fondant icing and a perfect quarter-inch of overlap of the two flavors of frosting in the middle. $15.95 for a half-dozen.
Available online at bingsbakery.com.
Rocco's Pastry: If you've ever visited Rocco's Pastry in Greenwich Village, you'll know that it's nearly impossible to walk by their big glass window teeming with cookies like these and not buy anything. Their black and whites are as good as they look. $3 each (jumbo cookies).
Available online at roccospastry.com.
William Greenberg Jr. Desserts: These black and whites are the celebrity of the bunch, having recently been featured on the Today Show and praised by Martha Stewart. We think they're worth the hype. $45 for a dozen jumbo cookies; $27 for 18 mini cookies.
Available online at wmgreenbergdesserts.com.
Zabar's: Where better to get the perfect New York black and white cookie than the quintessential Upper West Side grocery
Zabar's? For many, these are the black and white cookies that set the standard: like their online description says, "black and white and craved all over". '
Nuff said. $7.98 for 10 mini cookies.
Available online at zabars.com.Cakespy Note: For those who are interested in learning more, we strongly suggest checking out The Black and White Cookie Review, a NYC-based blog dedicated to seeking happiness, fulfillment and the perfect black and white cookie. A true kindred spirit indeed. Online at blackandwhitecookiereview.blogspot.com.