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No Grey Area: A Lesson in Black and White Cookies

What is a black and white cookie? Well, if you live in the metro New York region, it's part of everyday life: a cakey cookie iced with half-chocolate, half-vanilla fondant icing that is available at almost every bakery and deli. But in other areas of the country, many people have been walking around, living their lives, perhaps not even knowing what black and white cookies even are. Or, even worse, they'll mistakenly think that examples like the below are black and white cookies:

Although they are certainly delicious, cookies that are dipped, dolloped or contain white and dark chocolate chips are simply not black and white cookies.

Luckily, although black and whites aren't readily available at bakeries outside of the New York region, you need not panic or stoop to the level of buying pre-packaged grocery store hybrids (in our opinion, usually a sorry excuse for black and white cookies, with icing that flakes off disappointingly). While there are several places to buy online, here are Cakespy's personal picks:

Bing's Bakery: Although on the outskirts of true black and white cookie country, these are the real deal, with soft, chewy fondant icing and a perfect quarter-inch of overlap of the two flavors of frosting in the middle. $15.95 for a half-dozen. Available online at bingsbakery.com.

Rocco's Pastry: If you've ever visited Rocco's Pastry in Greenwich Village, you'll know that it's nearly impossible to walk by their big glass window teeming with cookies like these and not buy anything. Their black and whites are as good as they look. $3 each (jumbo cookies). Available online at roccospastry.com.

William Greenberg Jr. Desserts: These black and whites are the celebrity of the bunch, having recently been featured on the Today Show and praised by Martha Stewart. We think they're worth the hype. $45 for a dozen jumbo cookies; $27 for 18 mini cookies. Available online at wmgreenbergdesserts.com.

Zabar's: Where better to get the perfect New York black and white cookie than the quintessential Upper West Side grocery Zabar's? For many, these are the black and white cookies that set the standard: like their online description says, "black and white and craved all over". 'Nuff said. $7.98 for 10 mini cookies. Available online at zabars.com.

Cakespy Note: For those who are interested in learning more, we strongly suggest checking out The Black and White Cookie Review, a NYC-based blog dedicated to seeking happiness, fulfillment and the perfect black and white cookie. A true kindred spirit indeed. Online at blackandwhitecookiereview.blogspot.com.

Pie, Oh My: Pumpkin Pies Available at North Hill Bakery

Some say that the Christmas holidays are the most wonderful time of year. Unfortunately, those people are wrong. Sorry Santa, but this year it's all about October, especially with momentous events like the first pumpkin pies of the year debuting at the North Hill Bakery in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood.

Our Head Spy was on hand to sample some of the very first batch of pies from their ovens (it's hard being a sleuth sometimes) and reports that the owners Tracey Peterson and Margaret Rumpeltes (both veteran Seattle bakers and cooks) certainly know what they're doing: after roasting their own pumpkins to fill a buttery, flaky crust, the pies are topped with fresh whipped cream and spice cookies that act like a mini-top crust and are the perfect complement to the smooth, creamy pie filling (which had not a bit of that jello-y finish that plagues canned-filling pies). The resulting pie is so satisfying, you'll even want to eat it for breakfast (which one of the bakers, Mary, admits to doing from time to time).

But be warned, these pies are a bit like the vibrant leaves of Autumn: in season for only a short time, they won't last forever. So enjoy the season while you can!

Cakespy Note: No one trick-pony here, North Hill Bakery also has a full array of charming treats, fall and otherwise; check out their adorable cookies and dreamy chocolate cake!

Available at the North Hill Bakery, 518 15th Ave. East (b/t E. Republican & E. Mercer Sts); for more information, visit northhillbakery.com.

North Hill Bakery in Seattle

Just Donut: Apple Cider Donuts by Delicious Orchards

What is Fall? More than just dates on the calendar, it's a season of colors, flavors and sensations. Fiery-colored leaves, the taste of hot apple cider, piles of leaves that all but ask to be jumped upon. Blustery days that make your body and soul cry out for sweet, cakey treats.

And what could be a better marriage of seasonal flavors and comforting cake than apple cider donuts?
Happily, Delicious Orchards of Colts Neck, New Jersey, offers these wonderful fall treats online. The orchard and gourmet market, based in Central New Jersey, serves as proof of why it's called the "Garden State" with their beautiful and seasonal selection of gourmet foods and baked goods. These donuts are the stuff of dreams: beautifully spiced and thick, they're perfect with hot coffee or apple cider; we love how they taste after having been heated in the toaster oven for a minute. They come in two variations: plain apple cider, and powdered sugar coated apple cider.

They'll leave you full of happiness--and energy for diving into your neighbors' leaf piles (and running away after).

Available online at deliciousorchardsnjonline.com.

Be Free: Complimentary Babycakes at Cupcake Royale in Seattle

What is better than free cake? Maybe something, but nothing comes to mind immediately.

For this reason, it would be wise to leave work early tomorrow (Thursday, Oct. 11th) so that you can be the first in line for the 7 p.m. opening reception of the Derek Charm art show at Cupcake Royale's West Seattle location. Because in addition to seeing some great artwork, you'll also be privy to the limited supply of free harvest babycakes in the new fall flavors: pumpkin, caramel apple and carrot. Free!

West Seattle too far? We understand. Luckily, there's another opening reception at the Ballard location this Saturday (Oct. 13th) at 7 p.m., featuring the artwork of Brad Strain; more artwork, and another chance to cram as many babycakes in your mouth as possible.

Once again: free! Non-Seattleites, our apologies.

For more information and locations, visit cupcakeroyale.com.

Sweet Story: The Tale of L'il Cuppie

Many readers have expressed an interest in learning a little bit more about our little cupcake mascot, so we thought we would publish a bio on the little guy, who we fondly think of as L'il Cuppie.

L'il Cuppie was made from leftover batter from a birthday cake, and has always had a chip on his shoulder about this. Is he a "complete" cupcake? Or an "incomplete" cake? It's truly his internal struggle. As a result, he rebelled as early as his babycake days, and has a tendency to go over the top for attention, occasionally getting himself in trouble (although he always has great adventures in the process!). But don't be fooled by his bluster; at heart, he's a good little cake and can occasionally be caught in moments of extreme sweetness.

What does the future hold for L'il Cuppie? Well, you'll just have to visit cakespy.com to see!
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