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Entries in daily sweet (77)


Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, Chocolate Cheesesteak

CakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to observing (and sometimes adding) sweetness in the natural world and urban landscape. Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo or image, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile!

Now, you've probably heard of chocolate cheesecake. But chocolate cheeseSTEAK? Not til now, at least for me! This was spied at Philadelphia's Reading Terminal Market (also where I got to taste the Pumpple, btw).


Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, CakeSpy Manuscript

CakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to observing (and sometimes adding) sweetness in the natural world and urban landscape. Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo or image, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile!

This is from a couple of months ago, but I thought it might be sweet to see a "behind the scenes" look at the process behind creating my soon-to-be-released book. Here is the final manuscript being put in the envelope after I finished the final edits! You can pre-order the awesome final product here.


Sticky Fingers: Best Office Memo Ever

CakeSpy Note: This is an actual office memo from Mr. CakeSpy's office. Names have been changed to protect the innocent, but otherwise it is printed exactly as it appeared.




You love it, we get a lot of it, a whole lot of it. And we eat a lot of it, A WHOLE LOT OF IT [it is at this point that I would normally swear up a storm in a lowbrow attempt at potty mouth humor, please insert random cussing to the level you deem appropriate]. Sometimes Jill* (name has been changed)isn’t at her desk to refill it, so you go into her desk and maybe refill it yourself. While I like the can-do spirit, in practice this is a very bad idea for a number of reasons. 

  1. This is Jill's desk, and yes it is in a public place (so are most of yours BTW), but it is still her desk, please be respectful of that space.
  2. We appear to be going through candy like a bunch of oompa loompas on speed. Or crystal meth. But not oompa loompas on Heroin, as those guys are sad little creatures that just hang out in the wallpaper licking room completely oblivious. I digress. We are eating a metric f#(k-ton [comic book cussing!] of candy. When we get an order on Friday morning it can sometimes be gone by Monday. And this is happening at an alarming rate. 

“But what can I do”? you ask. “I am completely addicted to that sugary high”. I have a couple of suggestions, the first one being less of a suggestion and more of a command. 

  1. Stop going into Jill's desk. I don’t care if you have the oompa loompa shakes. Wait until the container gets refilled. Or go downstairs, or if it is really bad, QFC sells a lot of candy. Second Aisle on the right if you are facing north.
  2.  Actually point 1 covered everything I wanted to say. So read it again. If we can’t do that we will most likely have to completely cut off the flow of that stuff, right at the source, which would mean cold turkey withdrawals for everyone. Not good. So read 1 again.
  3. You could also beg and plead for Danny Oleson to get more sugary treats from his wife (http://www.cakespy.com/). But that will just put you further down the oompa loompa hole.

Sweet Delight: 24 Surprise Cupcakes from Swirlz, Chicago

Sometimes life is...you know. Just life.

But sometimes, life is magical.

For instance. Not long ago, I flew into the Chicago area for the Wilton Workshop (remember how much fun that was?). And when I got to the hotel, I learned that my friends at Wilton had been kind enough to leave an agenda for me at check-in...as well as a plethora of goodies (say it: "Swag!"). At a certain point I joked with the clerk, "if I keep standing here will you keep giving me stuff?".

To which he said "wait...are you Jessie Oleson-CakeSpy?"

"Yes..." I said.

And at that, he disappeared for a moment, and when he re-appeared, he had what I think were the biggest boxes of cupcakes I'd ever seen: 2 dozen sweet treats, hand delivered courtesy of Pam, owner of Swirlz. Upon learning that I wouldn't be able to make it to visit her Chicago retail location, she was kind enough to bring the party to the suburbs for me!


Like, OMG. Of all of the moments in my life, I think this is the one where I felt most like A Big Deal. People bring me cupcakes!

Well, as it turns out this was a very feel-good moment indeed. Because, realizing that I would never, ever be able to finish 24 cupcakes in the 24 hours I'd be in the Chicagoland area, I was kind enough to share.

The hotel staff was more than happy to relieve me of a couple of cupcakes--right away, I was their bff. They loved them. They loved me. Why didn't I ever do this in high school? I would have been so much more popular.

Then, I caught up with my fellow Wilton Workshoppers, and shared a few more with them. LOVE! Lesson learned: the kid with the cupcakes is always the cool kid.

I even shared a few with the restaurant staff. I forget the name of the restaurant, but it was some sort of chain. Regardless, they were so pleased with the free cupcakes that they let me bang the gong. Not once, not twice...but thrice!

But the one I saved, all for my greedy little self?

The cookie dough one, duh. 

If there is such a thing as a revelation in cupcake form, the cookie dough cupcake is it. Incredibly moist and even almost gooey, it's like cake and cookie all at once, both rendered better by adding a big dollop of frosting (and more cookie dough) on top. 

A most sincere thanks to Swirlz for adding a little magic to not only my day, but the days of so many other sweet people who happened to be close by. It's just proof: 24 small cakes have the power to make huge amounts of happiness.

Get some sweet cakes for yourself at Swirlz, 705 w. Belden, Chicago; online here.


Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, Hello Flour

CakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to observing (and sometimes adding) sweetness in the natural world and urban landscape. Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo or image, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile!

Uh oh, looks like Cookie is confused about its new friend's name! Either way, I think they'll have a grand morning together.


Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, Periodic Table of Desserts Poster

CakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to observing (and sometimes adding) sweetness in the natural world and urban landscape. Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo or image, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile!

This was a sweet find at the San Francisco Street Bakery in Olympia, WA: a PERIODIC TABLE OF DESSERTS! Sadly it seems to be out of print when I try to find it online, but you can enjoy it virtually, above.


Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, CakeSpy Mural in Progress at Bluebird Ice Cream, Seattle

CakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to observing (and sometimes adding) sweetness in the natural world and urban landscape. Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo or image, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile!

Here's a sneak peek at the mural I'm currently painting (um, in the bathroom) of Capitol Hill, Seattle's Bluebird Ice Cream! The mural will be complete in 2-3 days, but you can see the progress today if you visit them, get some ice cream, and be sure to drink lots of water because the bathroom can't be missed!


Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, Treat Street in San Francisco

CakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to observing (and sometimes adding) sweetness in the natural world and urban landscape. Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo or image, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile!

This is possibly the best street ever: Treat Street, in San Francisco! Just imagine the sweet adventures you could have on such a road...


Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, National Cookie Cutter Historical Museum

CakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to observing (and sometimes adding) sweetness in the natural world and urban landscape. Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo or image, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile!

Like, OMG. Another gem from this month's issue of Food Network Magazine. Did you know that there was a National Cookie Cutter Museum? All I can say is, get me to Joplin, MO, right away!


Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, Oddfellows Sandwich Board Augmentation

CakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to observing (and sometimes adding) sweetness in the natural world and urban landscape. Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo or image, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile!

Here, I added my own little chalk-y touch to the sandwich board at Oddfellows Cafe (site of the upcoming Whoopie Pie Bake-off!)--it was already sweet, but I added a little dusting of sugar!

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