Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links

Double chocolate stout bread pudding with balt marley caramel. Sounds awesome! (Lost Recipes Found)
Rum chocolate pineapple brownies. Interesting. (Recipe for Perfection)
Common cooking mistakes...and how to combat them. (Craftsy)
Raspberry curd tart. I want it. (Tutti Dolci)
A guide to the iconic desserts of Kansas City. (
Lemon cookie gelato. Please, can I marry this recipe? (How Sweet Eats)
No bake cookie butter bars. Be still my beating heart. (Wallflour Girl)
Bakerella's roundup of the Ben & Jerry's ice cream adventure! (Bakerella)
VERY early morning breakfast bars. I want one, or five. (Salt & Serenity)
Mango cookies. INTO IT. (Whipperberry)
Adventures in Bakebook-ing: a roundup of the totally sweet Sweetapolita blog book tour. (Sweetapolita)
Easy things to draw if you're just getting started. (Craftsy)
Westhaven cake. I'd try it. (
5 foods to try in Canada. I could go for a beaver tail. (Eturbonews)
How about a Brooklyn egg cream crawl? (Airship Daily)
Ever tried a hedgehog slice? Don't worry, no actual hedgehogs were harmed in the making of. (Giramuk's Kitchen)
Caramelized white mocha meringue. Pinkies out! (Moonblush Baker)
Is rejection worse than death? (CakeSpy)
One response: is rejection worsee than death? (Slow Bloom)
Another response: is rejection worse than death? (Thick Dumpling Skin)
Check me out on the Food Psych Podcast! (Food Psych Podcast)
Book of the week: Betty Crocker's "Frankly Fancy" Foods Recipe Book. This retro recipe pamphlet is one of the more awesome ones that I have come across. It's readily available (and cheap!) on Amazon or ebay - check it out!

Reader Comments (4)
Those Mango cookies... I must try them!!