Giveaway: CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar Filled Life

I have chosen and contacted all of the winners who were chosen at random from the comments on this post and on Facebook - Congratulations!
- Katrina, who chose Biscoff Pop-Tarts
- Donna, who chose (good idea)
- Mary, who had thoughts of strawberry rhubarb or cafe au lait Pop-Tarts.
All tasty! Cgongratulations again!
Original post:
Hi friends! Happy Wednesday, sugary wishes, etc. Let me get straight to the point: I feel like giving away a few copies of my awesome first book, CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life.
Why? Because if you are what you eat, then we should all eat more awesome and sweet desserts. It will likely make us all better people.
So what do you have to do to enter one of the three copies I am giving away? All you have to do is think about Pop-Tarts. Namely, Pop-Tarts that *should* exist. Like these:
All you have to do is comment on this post, or on my Facebook page, with an answer to the following important question:
What flavor of Pop-Tart do you think should exist, that doesn't quite yet?
It can be one of the ones that I've drawn on the above illustration, or perhaps a flavor that you've invented in your imagination.
I'll let you weigh in on this important subject for the next few days, and I'll choose three winners at random on Wednesday, March 11, at 5pm MST. Because shipping overseas is prohibitively expensive, this time the contest is only open to entrants with US shipping addresses.
Good luck!

Reader Comments (43)
By the way, I love your book! I think I borrowed it from the library at least more that 4 or 5 times. I love your book!