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Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links

Above? That's me with Ben. OF BEN & JERRY. I got to visit their Vermont HQ this week - more about that soon!

Battenberg Cake: A good showoff cake for Spring, and to consider for upcoming Mother's Day. (Serious Eats)

This vegan lemon meringue pie features a meringue top made with...chickpeas!? (Seitan Beats Your Meat) - thanks Ren for the lead!

Unicorn wine holder. Truly magical. (Amazon) - thanks Ren for the lead!

Desserts, pastries, and candy named after famous people. (CakeSpy)

Strawberry Shortcakes made with strawberry biscuits. The fruit makes it health food, and the perfect early spring treat. (Grandbaby Cakes)

Cute DIY Easter treats. Coo-worthy fo' sho'. (Cool Mom Picks)

Um...what is the difference between baking soda and baking powder? (Craftsy)

Chocolate. Covered. Brownie. Ice. Cream. Sandwich. (Good Life Eats)

In case you missed it: Cadbury Creme Egg Rolls. (CakeSpy)

Simple lemon pudding. Sounds about right to me. (One Hungry Mama)

Good question: how can I make homemade bread less dense? (The Kitchn)

Veggie stew. Not sweet, but you have to warm up for cake somehow. (Craftsy)

I make a pretty darned good interview. (Foody Direct)

Book of the week: Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book. Before I went to Vermont this week, I actually didn't know this book existed, but it's great. It features the story of how the company started and took off (which is pretty interesting and worth buying the book alone) plus some accessible ice cream recipes. It's a good book to have on your shelf.


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Reader Comments (7)

I'm totally jealous of your fun VT week! It looks like you had a blast. I booked a hotel for May in Stowe and we'll be visiting Ben and Jerry's and Lake Champlain Chocolate as well as some breweries! I can't wait. :D
That picture of you and Ben is darling!
Great pic and that has got to have been a mega fun experience in VT! : ) Fun sweet links, too!
March 28 | Unregistered CommenterMonica
Erin: awesome, you will LOVE ben and jerry's!!

Jocelyn: I sure think so ;-)

Monica: Thanks! It was truly great.
April 1 | Registered CommenterCakespy
I love the photo of you and Ben! He's one of my heroes...can't wait to read about your visit.
Judi: It was a dream come true!! I hope we can get together soon and I can tell you all about it!
April 2 | Registered CommenterCakespy
Very funny images and really very good also
April 8 | Unregistered CommenterThequeen

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