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Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Rugelach, Whole Foods, Santa Fe

I got the above cookie (chocolate rugelach) at Whole Foods in Santa Fe. It tasted better than I thought it would--in fact, it tasted really, really good. 

This link has literally nothing to do with cake. But it has something to do with a magical unicorn that paid a visit to hospice families, and it warmed my heart to the max.

I find LeAnn Rimes extremely unfortunate. However, I *love* her birthday cake.

School's back in session, but it's still HOT. You deserve a fashionable ice cream pop.

It's late for Labor Day, but still prime time for grilled desserts while the weather still permits!

How to add motion to your illustrations. A helpful guide for artists!

In case you missed it: awesome creative prompts for artists of all sorts.

A fantastic article about the history of eating out in New York.

How to draw mixed media flowers. Vibrant and cool.

Emulsify like a pro with this sweet breakdown of emulsification in baking

Somewhat related: the many purposes of eggs in baking.

Can you use waxed paper in baking? Yes and no...it depends on what you're doing. Find out more here.

Book of the week: Ovenly: Sweet and Salty Recipes from New York's Most Creative Bakery. I had never heard of the establishment which published this eponymous book, but I'd like to visit, after discovering this treasure trove of recipes including (but not limited to) blueberry cornflake muffins, banana nutella coffee cake, burnt sugar cookies, mustard spice cookies(!), and more.

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Reader Comments (1)

I really enjoy round-up posts. It's an easy way to find a lot to read at once. My favorite was the one about the uses of eggs. It reminded me of a book (Egg) by one of my favorite cooking authors (Michael Ruhlman). If you liked that article, you might like his book. Have you read it?

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