My Parents as Pastries

This year, I made my parents a very special early Christmas present: a portrait of them as pastries, in front of their house (yep, the one I grew up in) in New Jersey!
My mom is depicted as a sweet little cupcake with a sewing project, a fancy little handbag, and a box of chocolates from Jean Louise in Spring Lake.
My dad is depicted as a frosted brownie, with shades and a surfboard even in winter. Because yes, that is how he rolls.
Here's the reference picture I used:
First, I made a pen and ink drawing. I took a break to test out various methods of applying masking fluid to make a snowy look.
and further along:
and here is the picture and the finished piece side by side.
I think it came out pretty darned cute, and I thought by posting it here, it might just make you smile. Well, did it? Hey, maybe you should hire me to make a portrait of your family next year or for an upcoming birthday. Just sayin'. Find my online store here.
Happy Holidays!

Reader Comments (9)
Katie: I think they do like it :-)
Becca: thanks!
Renee: I would love to see that portrait. How FUN!
Chineka: I think they're very happy with it!