Nanaimo Bar Brownies Recipe for Serious Eats

If some is good, more is amazing. That's the guiding principle behind the mega-brownie that is the stunningly delicious and unbelievably rich result of combining brownies with the Canadian delight known as Nanaimo bars.
So what happens, exactly, when you cross a Nanaimo Bar with a brownie? Visually, it doesn't differ too much from a traditional Nanaimo bar. But taste-wise, you have a sweet specimen which ups the ante of both desserts: a delicately crumbed, buttery brownie base coated with a smooth, creamy, custard-buttercream filling. And then, because, well, why not, you top it all with a firm chocolate topping. And oh, are they good. Consider serving in small portions, though: this is an extremely decadent breed of dessert, the likes of which will take your breath away and give your body a chocolate rush that might just last for days.
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