Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links

Sweet fancy! 20 summery strawberry recipes from The Kitchn.
My kind of worship: Church of Cupcakes
I spy pie! Put your treats on this sweet little tray.
A book that I love, and think you will, too: Apple Pie by John T. Edge
Fascinating: sausage cake!
Gigantic doughnut pool float: yes, I need it. (thanks, Bake it in a Cake!)
I hope you didn't miss SpyMom's blueberry pie recipe.
Conchords and Cupcakes? Um, kind of freaking out.
I'm kind of intrigued by the idea of a chocolate quinoa cake.
Mmmm...pop-tarts ice cream sandwiches!
You Need this Magical Thing: Uni-corn holders!

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