So You Wanna Be a Gallerist? Shop For Sale!

Well, my friends, my retail partners and I have some very big news. I'll just come out and say it: it's time for CakeSpy Shop's brick and mortar location on Capitol Hill, Seattle to pass the torch to the next fantastic retail business. DO NOT BE SAD. CakeSpy as a business and product line is not disappearing, but we've decided to go down different paths than the gallery. While it might be a surprise to some, really, it's ultimately a good thing - and possibly a great opportunity!
It has truly been an amazing experience to share CakeSpy with so many amazing people in this format. It's been humbling to have visitors from far and wide come to share wonderful art, food stories, and of course to buy CakeSpy (and other) art! But ultimately, as the business has grown, the retail gallery has been less and less aligned with the company's mission, especially with my cookbooks--as you might expect, many would come to the store and expect a bakery! So, it's not so much a sad thing as a "time to shift gears" sort of thing.
We do not have a definite shift date yet, but in the meantime, fans of the shop or friends who haven't yet had a chance to visit: make it happen now! Guaranteed that the amazing products and generally feel-good business will make you smile. Or shop online!
Read on to learn more via the letter written by Danny:
- We are asking $10,000. The store's rent will be in addition to this cost. You will get:
- The Bluebottle name and related online properties
- A killer Capitol Hill location (note, the buyer will be taking over the lease)
- A built out and stocked store - purchase will include existing wholesale stock, furnishings and equipment save a couple of exceptions, and existing consignment relationships so that the current consignment stock will carry over for those artists who choose to continue their relationship with the store.
- A software system that serves for point of sale, inventory management, expense tracking, consignment payments and more.
- An existing base of loyal customers
Reader Comments (3)
Way to go!