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Seeking Sweetness: Daily Sweet, Dunkin' Donuts Cereal

You guys. Why didn't you ever tell me that Dunkin Donuts had a cereal in the 80s? I feel as if I now want to re-do my childhood so that it could please include these.

I consider it a public service announcement to tell you about this cereal. Did any of you ever try it?

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Reader Comments (4)

The chocolate glaze ones remind me of the Oreo cereal that once existed.
March 24 | Unregistered CommenterBecca
if they had those now i'd be so happy - no DD in LA!!!
Honestly, and sadly, I never even saw these in stores. But they did look good, having watched these old commercials xD So sad that so many awesome cereals from the 80s didn't survive : (

~ Kieli ~
March 24 | Unregistered CommenterKieli Heart
I have had almost every cereal from the 80s including this one and it was good, not great... It came in bags as a sample in the 80s back when DD had a presence in California. DD left the CA market entirely back in 2001 when it closed its last CA stores in San Jose, CA and Sacramento. The best cereals in the 80s were the following; Smurf Berry Crunch, Ghost Busters. Ralston made the best character licensed cereals, Post made Smurf Berry Crunch. Ralston obviously does not make any character licensed cereals any more.
August 22 | Unregistered CommenterCerealKiller1980

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