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Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links


Cinnabunnies! See picture above.

Yeah, yeah. I made Cadbury Creme Egg Salad Sandwiches.

Educake-tion: A bakery designed with education in mind.

Rainbow connection cupcakes! All that's missing is a unicorn inside.

I want to eat this: chocolate malt cookies.

I also want to eat this: Cinnamon vanilla bean ice cream.

Marshmallow chocolate chip cornflake cookies: just crazy enough to be delicious!

Cutest cookies ever? Possibly.

Chocolates by Kelly. Deliciousness!

If you want to see a pretty Peeps cake...click here.


I want to be friends with these lemon cupcakes.

Coconut bliss milkshake. YUM!

Popovers! With dark chocolate Irish Cream sauce.

Milk chocolate layer cake: yes please.

I officially despise frozen yogurt, but this made me smile.

Interesting: have food blogs jumped the shark? 

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Reader Comments (1)

I found my way to you through CozyWalls and I am delighted that I can check out your delightful creations instead of library books for my exams, even though it's rough that I only got here now. Looking forward to making up for lost time. Cadbury Creme Egg salad sandwiches? Stop yourself--that's intense.
March 23 | Unregistered CommenterLiz OT

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