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Giveaway: Joy the Baker Cookbook!

This Saturday, one of my favorite sweet and awesome people in the world, Joy Wilson (but you can call her Joy the Baker) is coming to CakeSpy Shop in Seattle to promote her new book, Joy the Baker Cookbook: 100 Simple and Comforting Recipes !

You can buy her book, buy my book too, and hang out with both of us as well as the winner of the and the winner of the "So You Wanna Be a CakeSpy?" contest, Molly Allen!

But. In the odd event that you are not able to make it -- be it that you've recently lost a limb, found yourself stranded in a blizzard, or perhaps just live 2000 miles away from Seattle--there's a silver lining to that cloud: I'm giving away a copy of Joy's amazing book right here!

How do you enter? It's totally easy. You just tell me why YOU deserve it. Now, I'll be honest: the winner will be chosen at random, so cleverness is not vital in your response, but it sure will amuse me.

That's right: the heat is on. Tell me why YOU deserve the Joy the Baker cookbook ! The winner will be chosen on March 17 at noon PST. 

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Reader Comments (87)

I'll admit I'm not a good baker. So hopefully this cookbook will help out.
March 12 | Unregistered CommenterDenise
I would love this. I want to incorporate more baking on my blog and this cookbook would be the perfect start.
Joy is my middle name.
March 12 | Unregistered CommenterHolly
I believe that I should win because I am poor.
Really poor and the reason is long but short version is; I recently moved across the country am following my heart and pursing my dreams of being a yoga teacher and a writer and helping to make the WORLD more JOYful place while reminding people to eat more cake.
That being said; cookbooks aren't in my budget this month and I love cookbooks. Also if I did happen to win, I would pay it forward big time.
March 12 | Unregistered CommenterSamantha
Well, I really WISH that I could meet Joy the Baker!! The cookbook is the next best thing. : )
March 12 | Unregistered CommenterKellie
I don't know if I deserve this. But I would still like to win it. Anything that says "A Celebration of Butter and Sugar" on its cover looks like something that would greatly enrich my life.
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterToni
Because Sunday is my birthday, and I think it would be the bestest Brithday present ever!
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterLinda
Real talk: getting this book would be totally bonkers! And no bigs. (Total biggie!)
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterJasmina
I just won my school's teacher of the year award, and I'd love to bake something for my colleagues here! (Since I take blog breaks to look at yummy treats during my lunch break.)
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterJamie G
I should win this cookbook because I am the only woman in my office and baking when I get home is one of my escapes from the insanity! ;)
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterCaley
I deserve this book because I am on a mission to fatten up my entire office, and they are growing weary of my cake balls, cupcakes, and macarons. The people need variety, and Joy the Baker is just the person to provide it.
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterTracy J.
I need the cookbook because I'm just getting out of college, living in my first apartment and starting my cookbook collection. This would be a great addition!
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterCaitlin
Why do I deserve this book??? Because it's the perfect storm for me. I love to bake but I have this HUGE dilemma. I have been WITHOUT a real oven for 2 yrs now and have to resort to a toaster oven. (hangs head in shame) YES, you heard right, a toaster oven.

I was SO desperate to bake that I bought a 6 cup muffin pan so I could make cupcakes. I am completely committed to baking cakes that I spend 1 hr making one layer at a time. I make Italian Cream Cake (3 layers) in my toaster oven.

Oh, I have a oven in waiting (in my garage since Jan.) but the kitchen counters need to be ripped out and reconfigured. The project has hit many delays but I go out there and visit it often dreaming of what I will bake to christen it.
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterCandes
Hmm...I'm not sure I deserve it because I have lots of good things in my life right now, but what's one more? I'm dying for this book, but am moving soon, so I'm trying to hold off until after the move. But if I won it for free, then....no guilt?

Thanks for the fun giveaway :)
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterDessertForTwo
i love baking and cooking, period. also, my maiden name? PILLSBURY. dough runs through my veins!
March 13 | Unregistered Commenterelaine
I deserve the Joy the Baker cookbook because Joy's blog is the first food blog I ever read. It inspired me to start my own food blog, and three years later, her blog is still the first one I read every day :)
I need this cookbook because even though I'm studying nutrition, I won't give up sugar. Ever.
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterJulie
I'd love that book! I bake all the time!
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterCat
i have been dreaming about this book forever! I love Joy.
I need this cookbook because I am collecting good cookbooks and trying to test as much recipes as I can. I am sure this one will be one of my best ones.
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterNinaH
I deserve this as I LOVE baking - especially new recipes!
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterJudy R
I love Joy the Baker! I absolutely love her recipes!
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterWinnie
Ah! I would love to win this book. The fact that the winner of the so you wanna be a cakespy contest gets to meet you AND her makes me even more jealous that I didn't win. Jealous means worthy to win the cookbook right? Haha
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterErin
I love Joy the Baker and I need another cookbook like I need a hole in the head....but I sure do want it. :)
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay
Yum yum yum; some more sugar on my shelves, please!

girlwillgo [at] gmail [dot] com
March 13 | Unregistered CommenterAlexandra
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