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Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links

The best Valentine's Day present: MY BOOK.

A sweet slice of life--and pie history!

More sweet history, and a recipe: Calabrian Love Knots!

Totally sweet--homemade Conversation Hearts!

Chew on this: Al Dente blog loves my Conversation Hearts!

Let's spoon. I want a party spoon.

Spirited chocolate covered cherry milkshake...be still my beating heart!

Hello, delicious: Neapolitan Whoopie Pies!

Read about this heart-shaped cake I ate in Paris. Yeaaaah.

Sweets for your sweet: a Valentine's Day Cupcake Tutorial!

Cute: Crushed Conversation Heart Cookie Pops!

Conversation Heart Nanaimo Bars: they say "I love you", even though they don't have mouths.

Um, hi. Have we talked about Almond Blondies?

Sweet memories: Conversation Heart Cream Pie!

Cupcake Shops: Don't call yourself Sprinkles...unless you're Sprinkles.

Pop-tarts ice cream sandwiches: what true love tastes like.

Wine for your valentine: Red Wine Valentine cookies!

And finally, I promise this will make you smile.

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Reader Comments (2)

FYI- One of these links opened a virus on my pc. Not sure which one because i opened a few up in different tabs.
February 11 | Unregistered CommenterSarah
Thanks so much for the props on my blondies :) And BIG congrats on your darling new book. w0000t!
February 12 | Unregistered Commenterkellypea

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