Why You Should Buy Bake it in a Cupcake by Megan Seling

Why should you buy Bake It in a Cupcake: 50 Treats with a Surprise Inside by Megan Seling of Bake it in a Cake?
Oh, don't be stupid. Why *shouldn't* you buy it? There is really no reason. But in case you insist on being stubborn about it, let me tell you just a few (ten) of the reasons why you must.
I say so. And when it comes to books about cupcakes and baked goods, I own pretty much all of them, and I know what I am talking about. You trust me.
I am quoted on the back cover. Remember what you read in reason #1, about trusting me? Trusting me means it is also unicorn-approved. But wait, there's more...
I'm not alone in being quoted on the back cover. Also quoted are Dan Savage (yes, that one) and Andrew Zimmern. They also think you should buy the book, btw.
Megan is an amusing writer. Having honed her writing chops at Seattle's The Stranger, she's quick, clever, and witty. You'll enjoy reading her. Her witty repartee will amuse you while you wait for the cupcakes to bake.
Her recipes are very easy to follow! These recipes are user-friendly, which is good for dopes like me who sometimes need reassurance.
The recipes yield impressive results. Want to knock the socks off of visitors, friends, or co-workers? How 'bout making up some cupcakes with baklava inside, or a cheesecake stuffed with mini pie-stuffed cakes?You'll establish yourself as clever, talented, and internationally savvy.
The cupcakes will make you fat. But happy fat, not sad and lonely fat. They're buttery and delicious!
Because you've never had a book that can literally teach you how to bake love into a cupcake before. Come on! Just look at the cover!
The recipes are crowd pleasers. You'll be able to find things to serve at dinner parties, but you'll also kind kid-friendly and even cat-friendly things, too!!
Because it's fun! Bake it in a Cake is clever, fun, and cute. What's not to love?
Also, I like Megan. Personally. I mentioned her in my book, CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
, too!
In case you haven't already, you can buy the book here: Bake It in a Cupcake: 50 Treats with a Surprise Inside.

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