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CakeSpy Undercover: Pinkitzel in Oklahoma City is Magical 


Cupcakes are pretty much always magical. But sometimes, they're even more magical than usual.

For instance. While in Oklahoma City, I ended up in a pizza bar at 10:30 pm - because it seemed like it was the only thing open by my hotel. But while chatting with the waitress, I learned that there were some great places to get cupcakes in town. She suggested a place called Cuppies and Joe, and another that "I forget exactly but it starts with the word 'pink'...". I googled it - Pinkitzel was the name!

Well, Cuppies and Joe, while adorable-looking, was closed on Monday and that was my only day in town so sadly that was out. But Pinkitzel was open, so over I headed! 


As for the crazy name, as their website helpfully informed,

Pinkitzel is a play on two words, pink and kitzel— which means tickle in Yiddish. So Pinkitzel means tickled pink, which is what we hope you are when you visit and eat our cupcakes, truffles, and candy. Kitzel rhymes with tickle, which makes even our crazy name fun to say!


Upon entering this store, I knew I had transcended into a magical land of cupcake-dom. It was sort of like an Alice in Wonderland cupcake world, with decorations, party rooms, cupcake products, and more. Pinkitzel

It was very stylish, though--with several Amy Atlas-would-be-proud type table setups.

And then...there it was: my book ! They had my book there!


And it was next to a pink pony. Now that's magical! And I hadn't even gotten to the cupcakes yet! But as you can imagine, I was in a very good mood by the time I got to them.

The cupcakes themselves had cute jackets. 


I got the "I Want Candy", a tricked out treat if I've ever seen one--chocolate cake, candy galore. It tasted just as amazing as it sounds. A very nice, tender cake and rich, luxuriant frosting. This was a very good cupcake. And some might balk at how the frosting was piled high, protesting "too much!". But I am not one of those people. I welcomed the challenge.


My friend got the pumpkin mousse, which had a pie-like filling and a creamy pumpkin frosting. Nom City!


Also purchased and greedily eaten: a macadamia cake truffle. It was everything that makes a truffle good: rich, cakey chocolate, so moist within its chocolate encasement. Enhanced all over by the macadamia nuts. I wish I had another dozen right now.


Pinkitzel is a highly magical place, and not just because they have my book. But...you know, it doesn't hurt.

Pinkitzel, Oklahoma City; click here for locations and more information. I visited the downtown location.

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Reader Comments (2)

Love magical moments! Such serendipity as the Cake Spy's book being on display simply cannot be discounted. Maybe your visit was meant to be so you could share your story, Jesse =) Now, grown up Alice in Wonderland types - like yours truly - can be tickled pink whilst delighting in daydreams of traveling to the perfect Pinkitzel spot for tea and cupcakes!
October 30 | Unregistered CommenterThe Ninja Baker
Thanks Jessie- I live in Tulsa, OK and I will have to visit these places soon. I didn't even know about them.
October 31 | Unregistered CommenterJory

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