Sweet Love: A Special Custom Artwork Order by CakeSpy

So, sometimes I do custom artwork. Not very frequently anymore, because quite frankly, after considering the time and energy I put into each piece, I don't make much money at all. Now, I personally know that this is not what it's all about, but sadly, my landlord doesn't seem to share this viewpoint.
But recently, a very sweet fellow convinced me to make an exception for his girlfriend, who he said would (I am paraphrasing) make his girlfriend's Christmas a zillion times more magical.
His girlfriend, it turns out, is the baker and writer behind The Miss Cupcake. The piece I created reflected all of the sweets that she bakes, combined with my style and characters. I didn't exactly have proper time to work on it--I was sketching while waiting for a plane to LA, I was painting in a hotel room, I was finishing the piece and shipping it after taking a red-eye flight. Whew!
But ultimately, the time and energy was worth it, because shortly after Christmas I received this note from the Cupcake Miss behind The Miss Cupcake herself:
Dearest Jessie Oleson/Cake Spy,
I am utterly speechless. After months and months of ohhing and ahhing over your custom portraits, I have in my hands my own personal cakespy.
My lovely boyfriend, who is officially the sweetest boy ever invented, went behind my back, to a fully-booked cakespy, and commissioned you to do a custom Miss Cupcake watercolor.
Jessie. BEST PRESENT EVER. I shook, then I slapped him, then I cried! It's me..it's beautiful. It is the most thoughtful and most amazing gift that I have ever received in my life. Thank you for defying rules, for extending yourself through an utterly stressful time (aka an ultra famous book tour!), and for making me an absolutely joyous receiver of one of your beautiful portrait babies.
... Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you I think you get the point.
Well, I must say - this note made it all worthwhile. A sweet moment to share with you, dear readers! To buy artwork by me, visit cakespyshop.com.

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Marketing is almost more important than the product. Let me know if I can help you with that.