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« Cake Byte: Cupcake Royale Debuts Raspberry Rhubarb Cupcakes for June | Main | Capitol Sweetness: Cake Gumshoe Stephanie Visits Three Washington DC Bakeries »

Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, Totally Gay Rainbow Cupcake

Image: Cupcake RoyaleCakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to adding bits of sweetness to my daily surroundings, via sidewalk chalk, small cutouts, and the like--I call it "gentle street art". Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile.

Today's image isn't from me but made me smile because of the sheer amount of rainbows. It comes via Cupcake Royale's Facebook page, where they say:

Buy THE GAY cupcake and we'll donate $2 to the It Gets Better Project an organization dedicated to The It Gets Better Project, which was created to show young LGBT people the levels of happiness, potential, and positivity their lives will reach – if they can just get through their teen years. The It Gets Better Project wants to remind teenagers in the LGBT community that they are not alone – and it WILL get better. We hope to raise over $5,000 for this effort during Gay Pride Month in June.

For more info, visit cupcakeroyale.com.

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