Cake Byte: CakeSpy Interview on Craftcast with Allison Lee!

Curious about the life of a Spy? Shame on you.
Oh, just kidding. Here's a great new way to stalk me: listen to this interview I did with Allison Lee of CRAFTCAST!
She introduces it thusly:
Today I talk with head spy Jessie Oleson from Cake
CakeSpy is a Dessert Detective Agency dedicated to seeking sweetness (literally) in everyday life. Jessie does this by writing about bakeries, conducting baking experiments, and picking the brains of bakers and food artists, and finding awesome products for lovers of baked goods.
Jessie O is also a freelance writer and illustrator, whose writing appears on, and Serious Eats.
Recently she opened a retail CakeSpy Shop in Seattle,WA as well as finishing her book, Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
Listen in and hear her favorite “must have ingredients” and “can’t do without” tools in the kitchen.
To listen to the interview, visit the CRAFTCAST site! Thanks to Allison for a totally sweet interview.

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