Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links

Photo credit: Nutropolitan Museum of Art
It's gonna be a sweet weekend...starting...NOW!
New favorite thing ever: a blog inspired by the Art of the Peanut Butter Sandwich.
Sweet discovery: One Smart Cookie! (thanks, Jill!)
Cool and sweet: CakeSpy is featured as the "Cool Girl of the Month" on the Sock it to Me! Blog.
Sweet feature: read the awesome article featuring CakeSpy, Orangette, Gluten-Free Girl, Savory Sweet Life, and Frantic Foodie!
Better together: Peanut butter and jelly bars from BAKED.
Sweet, but not to eat: an iPhone application which lets you design cupcakes. Cool! (thanks, Rosalie!)
North country: I must visit Lily on Orcas, and soon!
Bakesale for Japan: A sweet roundup by The Sated Palate.
As a Levain lover, I am excited to check out their Frederick Douglass Blvd. location!
Sweet decorating: in Philadelphia, Bredenbeck's is starting a series of cupcake decorating events! Sweet!
Boo-Meringue! Lemon Coconut Meringue Pie on Bon Appetit--you are welcome to make this for me, pleaseandthankyouverymuch.
Speaking of about these Mann's Cookies? (thanks Becky for the intriguing lead!)
Chocolate chipotle cupcakes stuffed with caramel...that's right, say hello to "The Vinny" by Fields of Cake.
CupcakeCamp Seattle is coming, and the poster is awfully cute.

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